Video – Dr. Bhakdi Explains Basic Immunology
Dr. Bhakdi explains how and why the gene-based COVID-“vaccines” trigger the breakdown of immunological defenses against infectious agents that lie dormant (“sleeping”) in our bodies. These include many viruses such as Herpes zoster (shingles), Epstein-Barr-Virus (infectious mononucleosis), Cytomegaloviruses, bacteria – particularly tuberculosis – and parasites.
Moreover, our sentinel lymphocytes are vitally important in protecting us against tumors because they swiftly exterminate cancer cells that continually arise in our bodies. “Vaccine”- mediated destruction of these sentinel lymphocytes is going to have disastrous global consequences. Patients with dreaded “old” infections such as tuberculosis and with malignant tumors will flood the hospitals around the world.
UBC Immunologist Petitions Canadian Government To Stop COVID-19 Vaccination
Dr. Steven Pelech has been a professor of immunology and neurology at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada for 33 years. He is one of the founding members of the Biomedical Research Center at UBC and is also one of the founding members of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance for which he is the Chair of the Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee.
On the seventh of December, he started a petition calling upon the Government of Canada to suspend the use of COVID vaccines in pregnant women, children, youth, and adults of child-bearing age until the ongoing short and long term safety trials are fully completed and published in peer-reviewed journals.
Thousands of truckers prepared to walk due to vaccine mandates, warn Canadian trucking groups
Canadian trucking industry groups are warning the Canadian government that supply chain challenges will get worse unless there are changes to upcoming COVID-19 vaccination mandates.
The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) says it estimates that up to 22 thousand Canadian drivers will decide to leave the Canada-U.S. market when the Canadian government’s planned cross-border vaccination mandate takes effect on January 15, 2022. (The U.S. government is also planning to implement a vaccination requirement for Canadian truckers on January 22.)
Based on a recent survey of its members, the CTA says many trucking companies are preparing to lose 10 to 20 percent of their drivers, and potentially more than 20 percent in regions of the country with lower vaccination rates.
This peculiar trend continues in Ontario, whereby vaccinated Ontarians contracting covid at much higher rates than unvaccinated Ontarians

Covid Fascism: Ecuador makes vaccination mandatory for most citizens
Ecuador has announced that the Covid-19 vaccine will be mandatory for most citizens, saying the measure is needed because of a rise in infections and the spread of variants such as Omicron.
The health ministry said there were enough doses to "immunise the entire population". Those with a medical justification will be exempt.
All others aged five or over must be vaccinated.
Canadian Left-wing radical and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh calls for military-aided vaccination campaign
"I am also asking you to use our military and all trained federal personnel to assist in a mass vaccination campaign," Singh writes. "Canadians are trying to follow public health advice by getting vaccinated. People are lining up for hours in the cold for their third dose — they are doing their part."

Denmark: Vaccine a DANGER to the vaxxed
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...GENOCIDE (Video)
"No Country Can Boost Its Way Out" - WHO Warns Biden Plan Could "Prolong" Pandemic
As President Biden once again pushes booster doses on the population with his latest winter plan, the WHO is once again pushing back against this zealousness for vaccines and booster shots by declaring that booster shots shouldn't be prioritized by the developed governments that control the vaccine supply.
The Coming Great Deception: We live in the shadow of top secret US mountain base – we see UFOs all the time & aliens take our cattle
FOR more than 60 years, members of a remote tribe have believed they live in the shadow of a secret US military base.
It is claimed that UFOs are a regular sight around the mountain said to house the legendary "Dulce Base" outside the town of Dulce, New Mexico.
For decades people living in the town say they have heard strange noises and lights originating from the Archuleta Mesa mountain — with some even alleging they were abducted and taken to a secret alien lair deep within.
The small town of 3,000 people — home to the Jicarilla Apache Nation headquarters - have allegedly witnessed egg-shaped crafts and had their cattle strangely mutilated.
Rumors of War: Russian state TV warns of turning America into 'radioactive ash'
It was Dmitry Kiselyov, on the News of the Week state-TV program, who lashed out:
"The U.S. and NATO must roll back from our borders, otherwise we will, figuratively speaking, 'roll up' to their borders and create symmetrical, unacceptable risks… If you put a gun to our head, we will respond in kind," he charged.
"Never before has anyone published the texts of the proposed treaties, but never before in the 21st century has the situation been so acute, and the risks so great," he continued.
Prophecy Watch: Once Lost Biblical Blue Dye Returns In Preparation For 3rd Temple
After being lost for 1,600 years, the Biblical blue dye is returning in force. With over 270,000 sets of fringes being made to date, the factory that produces the pigment from the murex snail is gearing up to triple its production.
But they know that the redemption is near and the Third Temple will need even more of the precious dye to start operations. Ptil Tekhelet, a non-profit based in Kfar Adumim, produces the special Biblically mandated indigo dye made from the murex snail used in the mitzvah of tztitzit (fringes) that every Jewish man is commanded to wear on a four-cornered garment.
Techelet is a blue dye highly prized by ancient Mediterranean civilizations and mentioned 49 times in the Hebrew Bible. It was used in the clothing of the High Priest, the tapestries in the Tabernacle, and in tzitzit (ritual fringes worn by Jewish men). The dye can be collected by crushing the snails, or by laboriously milking the snails and collecting the excretion.
Have you heard a better summary of our current insanity?
This Is How They Work
Operation Northwoods was a proposed military operation against American citizens that originated within the US Department of Defense of the United States government in 1962.
The proposals called for the CIA operatives to both stage and actually commit acts against American military and civilian targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba.
The possibilities detailed in the document included the possible removal of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, commandeering planes to be forced down or given the appearance of being taken down, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating events in U.S. cities. The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy.
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grind your kid into fish food, it's for the greater good.