New Year Special Offer
Judge Winsor in Doe v. Austin et. al. Declared There is no FDA Approved Vaccine Available To The Public.
Judge Winsor in Doe v. Austin et. al. declared there is no FDA approved vaccine available to the public. Not only is it NOT available, he doubted if the FDA could even produce one vial of the FDA approved Comirnaty. This is exactly why Biden recently threw up his hands and said it is up to the states to mandate. THERE IS NO APPROVED VACCINE. It was a blatant lie. From the hearing (that Pfizer sponsored media refuses to discuss):
As recognized by the judge, “[u]nder the EUA statute, recipients of EUA drugs must be ‘informed … of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product.”
The judge further noted that with regard to the administration of an EUA product to members of the armed forces, such a right of refusal may be waived only by the president.
As noted, “[t]he DOD acknowledges that the president has not executed a [waiver], so as things now stand, the DOD cannot mandate vaccines that only have an EUA.”
Judge Winsor also pointed out that “DOD’s guidance documents explicitly say only FDA-licensed COVID-19 vaccines are mandated.”
While this would be applicable to the Comirnaty vaccine, the judge noted “the plaintiffs have shown that the DOD is requiring injections from vials not labeled ‘Comirnaty.’ Indeed, defense counsel could not even say whether vaccines labeled ‘Comirnaty’ exist at all.”
The judge also noted that the DOD “later clarified that it was mandating vaccines from EUA-labeled vials,” adding that “[i]n the DOD’s view, this is fine because the contents of EUA-labeled vials are chemically identical to the contents of vials labeled ‘Comirnaty’ (if there are any such vials).”
The judge found this argument “unconvincing,” stating that “FDA licensure does not retroactively apply to vials shipped before BLA approval.”
He further noted that EUA provisions suggest “drugs mandated for military personnel be actually BLA-approved, not merely chemically similar to a BLA-approved drug,” not just in terms of labeling, but also in terms of being produced at BLA-compliant facilities.
As the judge stated, “there is no indication that all EUA-labeled vials are from BLA-approved facilities,” adding that “the DOD cannot rely on the FDA to find that the two drugs are legally identical.”
How to verify for yourself that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the COVID vaccines
BREAKING: Deadly Vax Lot Numbers IDENTIFIED, Still in Circulation! (Video)
Still, it’s a dangerous world out there, and the enemies of the American people will be just as committed to destroying you in 2022 as they were in 2021. And that means more masking, more restrictions, and more vaccine mandates. Doctor Jane Ruby joins us for her first segment of the year. She says she has the receipts to show that vaccine toxicity varies by batch, and it’s possible to find out if the vaccine you’re being pressured to take is from one of the tainted batches.
The Coming Great Deception: UFOs, the Channel Islands and the Navy's 'drone swarm' mystery
The Navy has a perplexing mystery on its hands. For several weeks in 2019, unknown objects stalked U.S. warships off the coast of southern California. While the bizarre “drone” encounters remain unsolved, the incidents occurred in an area with a long history of UFO sightings, including two of the most credible encounters on record.
According to documents reviewed by The Drive, the first reports of unidentified objects hovering and flying near Navy vessels sparked a sweeping, high-level investigation. The Navy, working with the FBI and Coast Guard, now appears to have ruled out civilian activity or U.S. military operations as plausible explanations for the encounters. This leaves two possibilities, each with extraordinary implications.
Get Out Now Before It Is Too Late: Soros District Attorneys Handing Whole Cities Over To Criminals And This Is Their Plan For The Rest Of America!
If one wonders why when looking at the most liberal of cities, or in the case of California, state leaders are allowing criminals to run the streets unchecked, we only to look to the purpose of allowing such in-your-face criminal activity....which is to literally turn America the Republic into a Marxist, Socialist country.
One name continuously pops up when looking at the far left radical liberal extremists turning some cities ungovernable.
George Soros, the man behind the 'Color Revolutions' across the globe, causing unrest and civil war between state factions for the sole purpose of changing those countries into the progressive hellholes, has spent decades and sunk billions of dollars into doing the same thing here in America.
The Pharma Cartel: America’s COVID-19 Vaccine Market Remains Closed Off To Outside Competition
Are government regulators minimizing the availability of COVID vaccine options in the United States in order to protect our health, or are there many other factors in play — that are completely unrelated to our health — being considered behind the curtain?
The U.S. COVID-19 vaccine market has been shut out to outside competition for almost a year. Despite these shots being marketed and sold as akin to a cure to a coronavirus, they have catastrophically failed to achieve that result. Despite COVID-19being declared the pandemic of the century, American regulatory agencies remain adamantly opposed to opening the market to more participants.
How to tell if someone famous died from the vaccine
It’s Been 666 Days Since A Pandemic Was Officially Declared…
Isn’t it funny how certain numbers just seem to come up over and over again? On March 11th, 2020 the World Health Organization officially declared that the COVID-19 outbreak was a global pandemic. According to, moving forward 666 days brings us to January 5th, 2022. Over the last 666 days, we have seen an extremely alarming rise of authoritarianism all over the globe, and all of our lives have been changed permanently and dramatically. So I think that it is quite appropriate that we commemorate the 666th day of this pandemic, because governments all around the world have certainly been behaving in ways that are unspeakably evil.
Celeste Expose: OPERATION ADAM-The Dark Plan to Remake Humanity
ADAM is a chemical substance that can rewrite genetic material, allowing the user to alter their bodies, their genetic makeup and their natural abilities without any direct limits whatsoever aside from their imagination. ADAM does this by supporting the formation of potent stem cells that can differentiate into any cell type, including a variety of unnatural ones. This type of cell formation, however, is also often compared to a benign form of cancer, as the chemical slowly destroys native tissue cells and replaces them with unstable stem versions. A gamer...
A plasmid is the circular double-stranded DNA that replicates within a cell independent of chromosomal DNA. Plasmids are found in bacteria or protozoa that are used for genetic modification using recombinant DNA to transfer genes between cells and species.
Beyond coincidence, the operation to make ADAM 3.0, a transhumanoid, is underway to phase out God's human population via depopulation.
Report: China mass harvesting Americans’ Facebook, Twitter data to bolster spying, propaganda
China has been using its online monitoring tools to gather Americans’ and other Western users’ Facebook and Twitter activities, according to hundreds of documents reviewed and reported by the Washington Post this week.
The Chinese Internet-monitoring tools, known as public opinion analysis software, were reportedly developed over the past decade to warn of sensitive information being spread online to help China find sources of criticisms against the Chinese government. The tools were originally used to monitor internal dissent, but are now being used to gain information on foreign targets.
Quebec Under Curfew, Unvaxx'd Banned From Buying Booze, Marijuana
Quebec reimposed a nighttime curfew beginning New Year's Eve as COVID-19 infections surged. Restaurants in the Canadian province only offer takeout service, while Gyms, bars, and movie theaters have been closed for days.
As the media and government drum up another COVID scare, Quebec Prime Minister Francois Legault wants to punish unvaccinated people for the soaring infections despite 85% of the residents in the province being vaccinated.
This week, Quebec Prime Minister Francois Legault is expected to announce more restrictive measures towards unvaccinated people, such as banning them from purchasing hard liquor and marijuana.
Death by Covid Injection Is Premeditated and Co-ordinated, Experts Conclude
Evidence showing patterns of death seen by Covid injection batches or lots were discussed during a session with two lawyers and two doctors. The two lawyers, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Vivienne Fischer, are members of the Corona Investigative Committee who were joined by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr. Sam White.
Dr. Wodarg, a German medical doctor and former politician, was instrumental in bringing to an end the falsified 2009 Swine Flu pandemic and Dr. Sam White, a UK medical doctor, has been engaged in lawsuits for many months for his stance regarding freedom of speech and informed consent.
“A recent presentation done by Dr. Michael Yeadon shows precisely how they use these different batches in order to have an experiment within an experiment. In order to try out what kind of dosages is needed in order, this is what it looks like, in order to kill people and maim people,” Dr. Fuellmich said, “this in inescapable, at least this is my view as a lawyer, this is inescapable evidence of there being premeditation. And once you have premeditation there is no immunity for anyone anymore. Not even in the United States.”
“It is not true that there is the same stuff in each shot,” Dr Wodarg said. Adding that there is hard evidence that the batches have different effects. Dr. Wodarg presented graphs and explained what they revealed including that when one pharmaceutical company, for example Pfizer, was conducting an experiment on the population with their injections, the other companies will not. Then another company will experiment and, for example, Pfizer will stop their experiment within the experiment. It is a co-ordinated effort. “This is proof that it is planned,” Dr. Wodarg said.
Now it’s personal…Several of my loved ones have suffered seriously from the so-called ‘vaccines’
Anthony Fauci would scoff that these five cases are merely 'anecdotal', and they are. But there is growing evidence that what happened within our own circle of family and friends is happening all across America.
Early this year the elderly uncle of one of my long-time employees developed transverse myelitis — an inflammation of the spinal column — after his Pfizer shot, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. The doctors had no idea how to treat his vaccine-related injury, and simply threw their hands up. He is, I am happy to report, finally on the mend, but had to suffer through months of painful therapy.
In March one of our dearest friends suffered blood clots in his legs after receiving the vaccination and had to be hospitalized and placed on anti-clotting medication.
Two months later this man’s daughter also suffered a vaccine-related event. The young woman, who works as a Physician’s Assistant, was required as a condition of her employment with a major hospital chain to be vaccinated. She had a seizure upon receiving the Pfizer shot and collapsed. She was immediately put on a standard regimen of anti-seizure medication, but this has not resolved her vaccine-related injury. Today, six months later, she is still having three and four seizures a day, leaving her unable to care for her three children, the youngest of whom is only 9 months old.
Last month one of my wife’s prayer group died suddenly of a heart attack the day after she was vaccinated.
Gun battles in Kazakh city after govt begins ‘counter-terrorist’ op – reports
Eight police and military killed, over 300 injured in Wednesday’s violence so far, the Kazakh interior ministry says
Reports and videos of intense gunfire are coming from the streets of Kazakhstan’s largest city, Almaty. This is after the government launched a “counter-terrorist” operation, blaming foreign-trained groups for chaos in the city.
The operation was launched late on Wednesday, shortly after Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev branded the ongoing unrest a“terrorist attack” on the country. The president also said he has reached out to the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) for help in getting a grip on the situation.
Amazon’s Gender Recognition System Identifies Michelle Obama As A Man (Video)
If Amazon says it's a man, it's a man.
Montreal police are now arresting protestors who are outside against the government imposed 10pm curfew.

Amazing Predictions From 1973! What Did They See For 2020?
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New Year Special Offer