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Republicans retake control of the House in the United States
Republicans announce an investigation into Joe Biden
Russian Embassy in Warsaw attacked – Moscow
Unidentified people threw flares and Molotov cocktails onto the territory of the mission, the Foreign Ministry has said
Russia’s embassy in Poland was attacked by unknown culprits last week, the Foreign Ministry’s deputy spokesman said on Thursday, adding that Moscow demands that Poland open an investigation into the matter.
Speaking at a regular briefing, Deputy Spokesman Ivan Nechaev revealed that “on the night of November 11 to November 12 unknown individuals attempted to attack our diplomatic mission in Warsaw twice.” According to Nechaev, they threw flares and bottles with flammable liquid over the embassy’s fence.
Zelensky ‘lying’ to drag US into WW3 – Tucker Carlson
The Ukrainian leader’s insistence that a Russian missile hit Poland “could get millions” killed, the Fox News host said
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky could be “lying on purpose to get us into a war,” Fox News host Tucker Carlson declared on Wednesday night. Zelensky’s refusal to admit that a Ukrainian missile caused a fatal explosion in Poland makes him “not worth supporting,” Carlson suggested.
Zelensky “was commanding the US to lead the Third World War immediately” after the blast, Carlson told his viewers. “The only problem is that it was completely and utterly wrong.”
Polish Politician Blasts Ukraine For Missile "Provocation"
A Polish politician has blamed Ukraine for causing a “provocation” by falsely claiming its own missile that struck Przewodow had been fired by Russia.
Immediately after news broke of the incident, President Zelensky called on NATO to take action against Russia, accusing Moscow of firing the rocket.
However, within hours it became clear that the accident, which killed two people, was actually caused by a Ukrainian air defense missile.
Taiwan readies missile defenses after Chinese military vessels cross ADIZ: report
China continues to conduct wargames in the region near Taiwan to test its latest military technologies
Several Chinese aircraft and naval vessels entered the Taiwan Strait, crossing into Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone, its government announced early Wednesday morning.
"16 PLA aircraft and 3 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.," its government said, prompting them to send naval vessels of their own in response.
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is China’s official designation for the military forces, including naval forces (PLAN) controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Ex-CIA Insider: “Biden Just Signed the U.S. Dollar’s Death Warrant”
“The U.S. dollar as we know it is doomed,” he says. “President Biden signed the death warrant himself on March 9th with Executive Order 14067.”
According to Jim, buried inside this little-known federal order is specific language that could lead not only to legal government surveillance of all U.S. citizens…
But also total control over your bank accounts and purchases.
"This Is Unprecedented": Enron Liquidator Overseeing FTX Bankruptcy Speechless: "I Have Never Seen Anything Like This"
A few days ago we asked how much longer do we have to wait for the "first-day affidavit" in the FTX bankruptcy, traditionally the most detailed and comprehensive summary of how any given company collapsed into Chapter 11 (and in FTX's case, Chapter 7 soon, as this will soon become a full-blown liquidation)...
.. and this morning we finally got our answer when it hit the docket (22-11068, U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware), almost a full week after FTX filed on Nov 11... and boy is it a doozy.
From Crypto Carnage To A Financial Crash?
Cryptocurrencies have been on the doldrums since the ‘Crypto Carnage’ of Spring 2021. Over the weekend, a Bahama-based crypto exchange FTX Exchange collapsed. It will probably not be the last one.
Due to the massive financial speculation, induced by the credit (QE) programs of central banks, the crypto market grew into a hub of speculation. During their first global crash in spring 2021, it was rumored that some players had been engaged in speculation with leverage of 100x.
In silence: G20 leaders have just signed a declaration which states that vaccine passports will be adopted to “facilitate” all international travel
Just when you thought this freaking war on COVID unvaxxinated had ended, G20 leaders have just signed a declaration which states that vaccine passports will be adopted to “facilitate” all international travel…
This means any vaccination the WHO determines you should have. Changing your rights & freedoms forever. And of course silence from the media…
Here’s the whole G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration if you want to read it…
The paragraph related to this article can be found under Point 23.
Unelected World Leader Klaus Schwab Shows Up To At G20 In Indonesia To Give The Orders For The ‘Deep Systemic Restructuring Of Our World’
Klaus Schwab made a surprise appearance at the G20 Summit of Nations in Indonesia to make sure plans for the Great Reset were staying on track.
Every year, the leaders of G20 members meet to discuss mainly economic and financial matters and coordinate policy on some other issues of mutual interest, or so says the Council on Foreign Relations web site. This is a gathering of the most-powerful nations with the most-influential economies. Pretty easy to understand, right? So can someone please tell me what the architect of the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution Klaus Schwab was doing there?
Mastercard, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, and Others Launch 12-Week Digital Dollar Pilot Program with New York Fed
Mastercard, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and others launched a 12-week digital dollar pilot program with the New York Fed.
Don’t worry because the New York Fed says the pilot program will only use “simulated data” and is “not intended to advance any specific policy outcome.”
Via Business Wire:
Members of the U.S. banking community today announced the launch of a proof of concept (PoC) project that will explore the feasibility of an interoperable digital money platform known as the regulated liability network (RLN). Using distributed ledger technology, the proposed platform would create innovation opportunities to improve financial settlements and would include participation from central banks, commercial banks of various sizes and regulated non-banks.
Reuters wants DEPOPULATION to achieve “climate justice” – says there are just too many people alive
(Natural News) The corporate-controlled media is reporting that the total world population has now surpassed eight billion people, which Reuters says is too many to maintain “climate justice.”
In order to stop “global warming” and “climate change” in their tracks, claims Gloria Dickie, a lot of these people – but not herself, of course – need to go so the climate can heal.
If depopulation is not achieved, according to Dickie, then there will be “more hardship” for “regions already facing resource scarcity due to climate change.” (Related: Man-made climate change is a myth – there is no climate emergency!)
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny warns of DEATH TSUNAMI caused by COVID-19 vaccines
(Natural News) According to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, the “death tsunami” caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines has now arrived.
“Since March of 2020, every single thing I’ve said was going to happen has. This death tsunami that I’ve been talking about for the last two years — it’s arriving right now,” she said. “I don’t know if that was the Holy Spirit moving me – I think it was part Holy Spirit and part scientific knowledge, and what I was able to study and learn and see along the way.”
CDC Study confirms COVID Vaccination increases risk of suffering Autoimmune Disease affecting Heart by 13,200%
A study conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Food and Drug Administration has shown that the risk of myocarditis following mRNA COVID vaccination is around 133x greater than the background risk in the population.
This means Covid vaccination increases the risk of suffering myocarditis, an autoimmune disease causing inflammation of the heart, by 13,200%.
Scientists Studied 12 Masks — Every One Contained This Cancer-Causing Compound
In a study of 12 face masks, every mask contained titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles in at least one layer, at levels that “exceeded the acceptable exposure level.”
The face masks that were supposed to protect your health may turn out to be detrimental to it, as increasing evidence points to toxins within their fibers. Titanium dioxide is one such toxin, one that’s particularly troubling in face masks because it’s a suspected human carcinogen when inhaled.
Not only have adults been unwittingly exposed to this likely cancer-causing substance due to widespread mask mandates put in place during the pandemic, but so too have children, whose bodies are especially vulnerable to toxic influences.
Now they are warning us that “tiny particles” in the air could “trigger sudden heart attacks”
Nearly a decade’s worth of data collected across Singapore suggests increased concentrations of tiny particles in the air can trigger cardiac arrests, making the need to cut air pollution levels around the world even more urgent.
Researchers looked for particles at least 25 times smaller than the width of a human hair known as PM2.5 particles (for 2.5 micrometers in diameter). Their small size means they can be easily inhaled, and they’ve been linked to a host of health problems, including autoimmune diseases.
Polish Government Notified of Their Crime of Attempting to Legalise Genocide
On 1 October 2022, Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak served notice on ten Polish government officials including the Prosecutor General, Poland’s President and the President of the Council of Ministers. She has also published it as an open letter to all Polish citizens. By doing so, she has notified government officials of an attempted crime to legalise crimes of genocide against Polish citizens. The attempt is being made through a draft law should it be passed by parliament.
Diana Wojtkowiak has a master’s in chemistry and a doctorate in molecular biology. For twenty years she has conducted research in molecular biology and biotechnology. A more detailed biography can be read in a letter to The Exposé which we previously published about her research on torsion fields.
Judicial Watch: Defense Department Records Reveal U.S. Funding of Anthrax Laboratory Activities in Ukraine
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 345 pages of records from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), a component of the U.S. Department of Defense, revealing that the United States funded anthrax laboratory activities in a Ukrainian biolab in 2018. Dozens of pages are completely redacted, and many others are heavily redacted. The records show over $11 million in funding for the Ukraine biolabs program in 2019.
The records were obtained in response to a February 28, 2022, Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency for records regarding the funding of Black & Veatch involving work of any manner with biosafety laboratories in the country of Ukraine.
Reports of widespread disruptions to mobile communications in Germany: O2, 1&1, Telekom, Vodafone, and others affected

Ticking Time Bomb: 500,000 Armed Foreign 'Soldiers' Are Hiding Inside Germany Awaiting Their Attack Orders
Hundred of thousands of foreign fighters, many of who are armed, have invaded Germany and are waiting for the signal to attack. The German government can no longer protect its citizens, that have been left armed and helpless by their policies.
Federal border police no longer speak of asylum seekers but soldiers storming their country. It is estimated that are 500,000 soldiers waiting for an order to attack. Meanwhile, Germany has 260,000 Bundeswehr soldiers (armed forces of the Federal Republic of Germany).
Digital ID Will Merge Your Identity & Reputation Into Trust Scores
"Trust Scores" or reputational scores are aspects of having a digital identity that haven't been discussed much. By default, everyone who accepts a digital identity, whether decentralised or not, will receive a Trust Score.
With the introduction of trusted digital identities, social credit systems are reaching the West.
The tagline of many digital identity advertisements is "At the heart of all digital identity is trust." But what does that even mean?
One current definition of trust is that it is "a confident relationship with the unknown."
Growing demand for patients wanting both male and female genitalia or NONE at all
A new report from VICE explores “a growing cohort” of transgender and nonbinary people who are seeking “Nonbinary Bottom Surgeries,” meaning they want both male and female genitalia, or they don’t want any genitalia at all.
Transgender people often experience what’s called “gender dysphoria” before undergoing gender reassignment surgery or treatment. “Gender dysphoria” is described as a “sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity” by the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS).
This sense of unease or dissatisfaction may be so intense it can lead to depression and anxiety and have a harmful impact on daily life,” the NHS says on its overview of gender dysphoria.
Media Tries To Equate Christian Watchman With Christian Nationalism
Christian leaders have long held that the Left coined the term "Christian nationalism" as a pejorative to stop believers from speaking about national issues. "They are stretching that term to suggest that anyone bringing faith into the public square is advocating for 'Christian nationalism,'" said Family Research Council President Tony Perkins at a recent townhall on the topic.
Christians should recognize the term "Christian nationalism" as a part of a "campaign designed to delegitimize you," Stephen Coughlin of Unconstrained Analytics and a Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute told the townhall. "It directly attacks American Christians for being American Christians, for being politically active. As such, it's an attack on identity. It denies your right" to express a faith-informed point of view.
confirmed! No PHONE connection as of 9.0-100 AM 11/17 to EU!!! I have never experienced anything like that!!!!!!!!!
Who on earth elected the WEF to rule over us? I know I didn't.