Trudeau to ban handgun purchases in Canada
“We’re introducing legislation to implement a national freeze on handgun ownership,” Trudeau said.
“What this means is it will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns anywhere in Canada. In other words, we’re capping the market for handguns.”
“… And we will require the permanent altercation of long-gun magazines so they can never hold more than five rounds.”

Trudeau further announced additional measures. He claimed that besides sports shooting and hunting, “there’s no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their everyday lives.”
Russia may halt gas supplies to the Netherlands
Deliveries will stop from May 31 if payment is not made in rubles, Gazprom says
ussian energy major Gazprom Export announced on Monday that it will suspend gas supplies to Dutch trader GasTerra from May 31 due to non-payment for deliveries in April and its refusal to pay in rubles.
“As of the end of the business day on May 30 (the payment deadline stipulated by the contract), Gazprom Export had not received payment from GasTerra for gas supplies in April,” the Russian company said in a statement. “In this regard, Gazprom Export notified GasTerra of the suspension of gas supplies from May 31, 2022 until payment is made in accordance with the procedure established by the aforementioned.”
The Dutch company had earlier notified Gazprom Export that it does not intend to make payments for gas supplies in rubles, arguing that it would breach Western sanctions.
German inflation nears 50-year high
Consumer prices are surging in Europe’s top economy
The German statistics office Destatis has reported another jump in inflation in May as food and energy prices continue to climb. Annual inflation in Europe’s top economy has reached 7.9%, the highest level since the 1973 oil crisis.
The surge comes amid the conflict in Ukraine and the unprecedented sanctions imposed on Russia. Soaring energy prices have had a considerable impact on inflation since late February, when Russia’s military operation in Ukraine began, Destatis said on Monday.
“Another factor with an upward effect on prices is interruptions in supply chains caused by the Covid-19 pandemic,” the agency said.
Iranian Military Base Attacked With Drones 'Launched From Inside Iran'
An apparent drone attack targeting Iran’s Parchin military complex earlier this week was launched from within the country, The New York Times reported, suggesting the deadly incident followed a "pattern" of previous strikes carried out by Israeli operatives.
Blasts erupted at a research unit at the sensitive military site last Wednesday, killing a young engineer and injuring one other person, according to the Times, which cited three Iranians and one US official familiar with the incident. The sources said the attack involved multiple quadcopter suicide drones, but did not specify their make.
World Economic Forum Pushes Facial Recognition Technology
The World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, has just ended. The theme of the five-day event, “Working Together, Restoring Trust,” was both vague and troubling, in equal measures.
Among the many issues discussed, members focused on the spread of misinformation and disinformation. How, they asked, can the proliferation of harmful content be combatted? It’s easy, they answered, how about introducing digital IDs?
The WEF recently rolled out the Global Coalition for Digital Safety, an initiative designed to “accelerate public-private cooperation to tackle harmful content online.” In an effort to remedy the scourge of malicious material, the WEF has brought together a “diverse group of leaders who are well placed to exchange best practices for new online safety regulation and help millions of connected citizens improve digital media literacy.”
Several Chinese local banks freeze deposits, triggering protests
$1.5bn from 1m customers locked after lenders operated outside their region
SHANGHAI -- Protests have broken out in China after several regional banks prevented customers from making withdrawals in late April, stoking fears of a greater credit crisis without an intervention from financial authorities.
At least three institutions based in Henan Province -- Yu Zhou Xin Min Sheng Village Bank, Shangcai Huimin County Bank and Zhecheng Huanghuai Community Bank -- have frozen a total of 10 billion yuan ($1.49 billion) in deposits, according to Chinese reports. One million customers are believed to be affected.
One Of The Largest Egg Factories In US Torched In The Middle Of The Night Amid Outbreak Of Fires In Food Processing Facilities Across The Nation
A barn that housed tens of thousands of chickens on Forsman Farm in Howard Lake, Minnesota, one of the nation’s largest egg producers, was set aflame late Saturday night.
According to Forsman Farms, which provides more than three million eggs to the largest retailers in the country, the cause of the fire remains a mystery as investigators evaluate the scene to determine how the barn was set ablaze.
A US Army recon plane landed in Uvalde just before the shooting and left just before the shooter was killed
This is kind of weird… The aircraft was in Uvalde for the first time this year during the shooting. The plane landed 3 minutes before the shooter crashed his vehicle. The plane then left 2 minutes before the shooter was killed.

Rolling blackouts to affect over a billion people as energy crisis worsens
(Natural News) Power grids around the globe will be stretched thin as summer begins.
There will be less electricity worldwide to meet the soaring demand for more energy, threatening more than one billion people with rolling blackouts. Power grids are already facing issues, such as fuel shortages; droughts; heatwaves; commodity disruptions and soaring prices due to the Russia-Ukraine War; and the failed green energy transition that retired too many fossil fuel generation plants.
With all these combined, a perfect storm of blackouts threatens much of the Northern Hemisphere in the next months.
Travel Hell: More Canceled Flights Pile Up on Memorial Day Weekend – 5,260 Canceled Flights as of Sunday Evening
More canceled flights piled up on Sunday on a busy Memorial Day weekend.
More than 1,500 flights were canceled Saturday morning in addition to the 2,300 flight cancellations on Friday.
Delta Airlines blamed bad weather and “air traffic control actions” for Friday’s cancellations.
1,460 flights were canceled as of 7 PM ET Sunday, according to FlightAware.
Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide
It's Really True: They Know they are Killing the Babies
ABRACADABRA: Vaccine and pharmaceutical WITCHCRAFT and how evil laboratory warlocks “conjure” the deadly concoctions
(Natural News) The practice of black magic involves “witches” who use specific natural elements to cast “spells” that harm humans. Often, these witches commune with evil beings to create formulas or “potions” and recite incantations for casting those ritualistic spells. In the real world, the practice of “black magic” involves scientists in laboratories who use dangerous elements from nature to concoct vaccines and medications that harm humans.
Often, these pharmacologists and immunologists create potions from deadly animal venoms and viruses, then they collude with the CDC and FDA to promote their incantations (spells) for the populace to repeat, such as “safe and effective” or “benefit outweighs the risk.” This black magic, evil “witchcraft” is happening right now with COVID-19 “vaccines” and VenomTech laboratories for pharmaceutical prescription medications.
Pfizer and the New World Order Depopulation Agenda
“The earth has cancer and the cancer is man” - Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point
Severely Vaccine-Injured 24-Year-Old Student Speaks About Life Post Covid Injection: “I can’t live my life and I want people to hear that”
“The Pfizer vaccine ruined my life 10 months ago and I am not going to shut up about it from now on. I never told my story. I used the long Covid community to find a place and a voice but this is not the whole picture. Let’s talk about vaccine side effects and vaccine-injured.”
This is how a Twitter thread from Poupy began where she told her story. Poupy is a French 24-year-old who was a student in Sweden. She had a Covid injection to protect others, and “for goodwill and freedom.”
“I can’t live my life and I want people to hear that,” Poupy tweeted. “We need research, we need treatments. We need our life back. And we need support.”
Russia Accuses Red Cross of Keeping Catalogue of Ukrainian Children With ‘Healthy Organs’
The Ukrainian arm of the international Red Cross non-profit organization has been accused of compiling a disturbing catalogue of local Ukrainian children with “health organs” in the city of Mariupol, according to Russian investigators.
The scourge of human trafficking and organ sales has blighted Ukraine for years and the discovery of the Red Cross catalogue of children’s organs raises disturbing questions regarding what role the international non-profit might be playing in Ukraine.
USDA and General Mills flee “GenderCool” associations as public learns about the horrors of corporation-backed GROOMING and genital mutilation of children
(Natural News) In an attempt to appear “inclusive” of the LGBTQ+ cult, American corporations are partnering with organizations that promote transgender ideology to children. One of these transgender-pushing organizations is called “GenderCool.” This group aims to “increase representation” of LGBTQ+ books in schools to “encourage 5-year-old children to question their own gender identity and to reconsider their pronouns.”
The USDA, General Mills and State Farm were just a few of the American corporations and federal agencies that supported GenderCool. Now these corporations are rescinding their support for GenderCool as the public learns about the horrors of corporations backing the grooming and genital mutilation of children.
Coles supermarket will now give trans and gender diverse staff an extra 10 days paid leave
Coles supermarket has announced that team members undergoing gender affirmation will now be entitled to up to 10 days paid gender affirmation leave.
The retail giant said the policy change was an important step in its commitment to champion inclusion in the workplace.
“We know that we have at least 900 team members who identify as transgender or gender diverse,” Coles Chief Legal and Safety Officer and chair of the Coles Pride Steering Committee David Brewster said.
Climate Radical Attacks Mona Lisa Painting at the Louvre in Paris (Video)
A 36-year-old left-wing “activist” disguised as an elderly woman attacked the Mona Lisa exhibit at The Louvre museum in Paris on Sunday, May 29. The radical shouted at people gathered around the exhibit to “think of Planet Earth” as he protested “climate change.”
The man faced a significant problem ; the famous painting was protected by bulletproof glass that he unsuccessfully tried to destroy.
China COVID Camps
We are NOW 2 years into a 5-year plan for the TOTAL DESTRUCTION of SOCIETY using Global Plandemics, Wars, Economic Collapse, and FOOD SHORTAGES
The Omidelta mutant scariant is here: Dominant coronavirus mutant contains ghost of pandemic past
The coronavirus mutant that is now dominant in the United States is a member of the omicron family but scientists say it spreads faster than its omicron predecessors, is adept at escaping immunity and might possibly cause more serious disease.
Why? Because it combines properties of both omicron and delta, the nation’s dominant variant in the middle of last year.
Bugs coming to your kids lunches!!! Locusts and mealworms will be on the menu for children at four primary schools in Wales

Mastercard Launches Next Step In Evolution Of Biometric Payments Now Allowing You To Use Your Face Or Fingerprints To Buy And Sell In The Metaverse
Mastercard is piloting new technology that lets shoppers make biometric payments with just their face or hand at the checkout point, and it’s designed to work in the Metaverse.
Day by day, and byte by byte, big tech is encroaching further and further into your body, and they’re doing it with your full consent. The ultimate destination, of course, is a human implantable device that will be located in the back of your right hand, and/or inside your forehead. For now, like a seemingly disinterested cat watching the ducks go by, they’re quite content with face scans and fingerprint ID, right up to the moment they pounce and take the whole thing.
Sodom & Gomorrah- EXTREME Heat explained
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Well then if “there’s no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their everyday lives.” I guess Mr Smarty-pants won't need his body guards and other protectors to carry guns any longer, they now can carry their golf clubs or pepper spray, maybe a frying pan.
That and high IQ Joe Biden's idea of not letting higher caliber 9 millimeter rounds be sold will end all violence. Anyone know what a larger 9 mil caliber round is? Must be some new fangled round by the military maybe the drunk Secret Servicer uses them.
"A US Army recon plane landed in Uvalde just before the shooting and left just before the shooter was killed"
This is the same modus operandi used in Guyana in 1978 when Jim Jones and his followers "committed suicide". The CIA left behind its footprint - a mysterious tape.