Ukraine compares itself to Nazi Germany
The Ukrainian parliament equated its own struggles with those of the Third Reich
Ukraine’s parliament on Wednesday appealed again to the West to impose a “no-fly zone” over the country. However, the parliament raised eyebrows online by comparing the devastation suffered by its cities to that suffered by Nazi Germany during Allied bombing raids. The bizarre choice of comparison is the latest Nazi-related statement to come out of Kiev.
An image posted to Twitter by Ukraine’s ‘Verkhovna Rada’ (Parliament) portrays a bombed out building in Hamburg in 1943 alongside similar damage to the Ukrainian city of Kharkov in 2022.
Russia expels American diplomats
The US embassy in Moscow was handed a list of those declared ‘persona non grata’ over what was described as the “hostile actions” of Washington
Russia has announced the expulsion of an unspecified number of American diplomats in response to a US government order to remove 12 staffers from Moscow’s mission to the United Nations, in New York.
The Russian Foreign Ministry said, in a statement, that on Wednesday it summoned “a senior diplomat of the US diplomatic mission in Moscow” and handed him a “a note with a list of American diplomatic employees to be deported and declared ‘persona non grata’.”
US Has Reportedly Readied Contingency Plans in Event Top Weaponry is Used in Ukraine Crisis
Earlier, the US president, Joe Biden, came to Europe to hold a series of meetings in Brussels and Warsaw with NATO allies and partners in arranging additional aid to Kiev and additional sanctions on Russia over the special military operation in Ukraine.
The Biden administration has put together a team of national security officials to draw scenarios for how the US will respond in the event of a chemical, biological, or nuclear weapon attack by Russia during its ongoing special military operation in Ukraine, The New York Times reported on Wednesday.
Biden regime putting American troops in Ukraine, setting country up for direct engagement in World War III
Unbeknownst to the vast majority of Americans, the Biden regime has deployed U.S. military personnel on the ground in Ukraine in what appears to be a direct effort to draw the country into a conflict with Russia that will spark World War III.
According to Trending Politics, there are new reports that U.S. Special Forces troops are currently in Ukraine performing “operational prep of the battlefield.”
Seth Harp, an investigative reporter and contributing editor for Rolling Stone, noted on Twitter: “US special operators are currently on the ground in Ukraine doing ‘operational prep of the battlefield,’ according to a well informed source. The military unit is JSOC’s Advance Force Operations, including members of Delta Force and SEAL Team 6.”
A search of Harp’s Twitter feed did not turn up this tweet, so it’s likely he has deleted it; Trending Politics got a screengrab of it, however, which can be seen below.
Close Putin Ally Warns 'Nuclear Dystopia' Is On Horizon If US Destabilizes Russia
Update(4:55ET): On the eve of the emergency NATO summit to take place in Brussels, for which Joe Biden has traveled to Europe, ex-president of Russia and close Putin ally Dmitry Medvedev has warned of the potential for a coming 'nuclear dystopia' - as The Hill reports - based on NATO pushing Moscow into a corner with crippling sanctions and attempts at total global isolation.
He charged the West in the Wednesday comments of seeking "the end of our motherland" - warning that the end-game could be nuclear disaster if relations continue to unravel at this rate.
Trading Houses Will Collapse As "Margin Call Doom Loop" Goes Global, Trafigura CFO Warns
Sometimes repo guru Zoltan Pozsar is so far ahead of his time, it takes the "experts" weeks just to read up on all the required source docs to even grasp what he is talking about.
Last week we reported that the Bloomberg news that one of the world's largest independent energy merchants - the secretive Trafigura which trades hundreds of billion in commodities every year - was facing "margin calls in the billions of dollars" meant that the commodity "margin call doom loop" idea floated more than three weeks ago by Pozsar who warned that commodity traders and clearinghouses could be facing a liquidity crisis of historic proportions, was coming true and despite Barclays' earnest attempts to minimize its impact, could threaten broader financial stability and was manifesting itself in broad liquidity squeezes which could be observed in the surge in such unsecured funding markets as the FRA-OIS.
WATCH: Trudeau gets called a Dictator in front of the entire EU
Addressing both the European Parliament and Trudeau specifically, Member of the European Parliament Mislav Kolakusic proceeded to deliver Trudeau perhaps the most humiliating international thrashing of his political career.

Trudeau gov’t paid social media influencers more than $600k to push its COVID, business agenda
Trudeau's government paid over 600,000 dollars in 'partnerships with social creators' to push agenda, inquiry revealed.
OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s federal government gave over $600,000 to social media creators to push the government’s agenda and products.
Calling the payments “partnerships with social creators,” Trudeau’s cabinet said federal departments and agencies gave $610,900 dollars to social media personalities to promote government initiatives such as Export Development Canada and public health COVID-19 vaccine efforts, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.
34-Year-Old Mother’s Death Caused by “Sudden and Catastrophic” Brain Bleed Due to COVID-19 Jab, Coroner Confirms
A United Kingdom coroner informed BBC that a 34-year-old mother’s death from a rare brain bleed was caused by the AstraZeneca COVID-19 jab.
Coroner Nicola Mundy confirmed on March 16th that Kim Lockwood’s March 2021 death was due to a “sudden and catastrophic” brain bleed triggered by the AstraZeneca COVID-19 injection taken eight days before her passing.
The coroner diagnosed Lockwood’s cause of death as Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT).
Moderna vaccine for kids 6 months to under 6 years doesn't meet the FDA's own bar
Moderna Wants FDA to ILLEGALLY Approve Ineffective Kids Vaccine
Study also Purposely RIGGED to Hide Failure in 2-4yo
Millions get AIDS from Vax by Fall – Dr. Elizabeth Eads
Dr. Elizabeth Eads is on the frontline of medicine, treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines.” Dr. Eads is now seeing first-hand Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, commonly referred to as AIDS. Let that sink in. Dr. Eads explains, “Yes, we are seeing vaccine related acquired immunodeficiency in the hospital now from the triple vaxed. . . . It is a vax injury, and we are not really certain how to treat this. We are kind of throwing the kitchen sink at it. . . . .We are trying to use everything we can think of to boost up the CD4 and CD8 counts and reverse this collapse or calamity of this immune collapse. It’s very stunning.”
Dr. Eads says it is particularly bad in the double CV19 vaxed and boosted. She calls the third injection “The Kill Shot, the Money Ball or whatever you want to call it. It is just devastating to the immune system, and I’ll tell you why. If you look at the recent Stanford study, and I am just going to read a couple of sentences from the Stanford study: ‘The spike protein in the CV19 vaccines that everyone is talking about is called the Lentivirus.
The link between Covid-19, the Covid Vaccine, HIV, and AIDS
We know that when fact checkers say something, they sometimes are covering something up. But what? This article attempts to organize what I know so that we avoid misspeaking when talking about complicated matters.
First Clarifications
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency virus) is an RNA-based blood borne virus, transmitted via sex or shared needles. This virus is associated with a disease called AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Sufferers of this syndrome have their immune systems “turned off”, in a way, and suffer from never-ending infections or rare and aggressive cancers that are not stopped by a healthy immune system.
Sars-Cov-2 is a RNA-based virus that causes Covid-19. Sars-Cov-2 is NOT the same as the HIV virus (but see below).
VAIDS is a colloquial term, not yet a scientific term accepted in official science, referring to immune problems due to Covid vaccine, and is NOT the same as AIDS caused by the HIV.
Frequent Interactions Between Clinicians And Big Pharma A Conflict Of Interest: Expert
An expert in pharmaceutical policy has said that the frequent interactions between pharmaceutical companies and health professionals can pose a conflict of interest for clinicians.
Prof. Barbara Mintzes told The Epoch Times that research has demonstrated that there was a corollary between health professionals receiving a low price meal while being promoted a drug and the rate of the professional then prescribing that medication compared to generic alternatives of similar quality.
Mintzes said a common example is pharmaceutical companies sponsoring events to provide food and drinks for health professionals.
New Zealand set to lift COVID restrictions
NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced a lifting of Covid restrictions while the country is still in the midst of an Omicron wave
Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are set to be scrapped in New Zealand on April 4 for most industries and businesses, which will come as welcome news people who have been thrown out of work.
Also gone are QR codes and all restrictions on the size of outdoor gatherings.
Indoor gatherings have had their capacity doubled to 200 in a measure that is set to help struggling hospitality and function services recover.
Canadian Home Depot is slammed for posting staff notice that warned about 'white privilege' and included a checklist for workers who are 'white, male, Christian, cisgender, able-bodied and heterosexual'
A Home Depot in Canada has sparked calls for a boycott over its notice to staffers explaining the concept of 'white privilege', including a privilege checklist for employees who are white, male, Christian, cisgender, able-bodied and heterosexual.
The controversial leaflet is titled 'Leading Practices: Unpacking privilege' and includes Home Depot's logo.
The printout was posted in an employee lunchroom at a Home Depot in Calgary, Alberta, where it was photographed then shared widely on Twitter on Tuesday.
SYSTEM FAILURE: Commodities markets, banks, currencies and contracts begin breaking down… and the consequences will be catastrophic
(Natural News) When Nickel prices recently spiked at $100,000 / ton, the London Metal Exchange (LME) decided to halt all trading and reverse over 4,000 trades in order to protect the profits of a China-based mega-player who had been exposed to over $5 billion in margin calls. In effect, the LME declared that it will now pick winners and losers arbitrarily, the markets be damned.
In doing that, the LME committed credibility suicide. There is now no rational reason for any investor or trader to trust any transaction at the LME, not in copper, aluminum, zinc, nickel or other metals. Markets no longer work at the LME, and you are only allowed to “win” a trade if the LME gives you the nod. Wins can also be retroactively stolen from you by the exchange reversing trades. They will actually go back in time to screw you over for past winnings.
Was Satan Not Available To Be Appointed To The Supreme Court Instead Of Ketanji Brown Jackson? (Video)
I ask his question because Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson is the epitome of a wicked reprobate. So, was Satan not available for the confirmation, Joe? Or has this woman simply given herself over to the wicked one?
First, take a listen to Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s recitation of this woman’s career and the things for which she has stood.
Great Reset: Globalists Capitalize on Ukraine Crisis, Establish New Surveillance Society
Peter Thiel has warned citizens about his own AI technology that is now being used in Ukraine, describing it as a “communist totalitarian technology.”
Ukraine’s defense ministry has started using AI facial recognition technology from the controversial company, Clearview. Their supposed objective is to uncover Russian assailants, combat misinformation, and identify the dead. However, as reported previously at RAIR Foundation USA, Ukraine is the Global Tech Elite’s Great Reset Laboratory.
Series of earthquakes have rattled the Globe over the past 7 days, leaving some to ask if it is a “sign of the end times”
“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven” – Luke 21:1
The study of geology just got exciting as tremors were recorded all over the globe for the past week. Beginning with the deadly earthquake in Fukushima last Wednesday, the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean are still shaking from a wave of over 1,100 tiny tremblors. The tremors could point to an ominous era as the seismic activity is prophesied in the end-of-days.
Since Saturday, around 1,100 earthquakes ranging in intensity from 1.9 to 3.3 shook the Azores, an autonomous region of Portugal in the mid-Atlantic made up of nine volcanic islands. Authorities are concerned that the tremors could presage a major volcanic eruption.
The Daily Expose UK article pushes the existence of both the fake HIVirus and the fake covid19 virus in a single article. The author(s) of that piece have some waking up to do.
Very interesting that the Ukrainian parliament compares itself to Nazi Germany… 🤔🤔🤔 many things very sus about everything going on… US BioLabs… money laundering from the Biden/pelosy/Kerry/Romney crime families… Donbas (sp)… Nazi movement going strong in Ukraine… people like Charles Schwab, Soros, Clinton, mainstream news, etc. all sympathic for Ukraine… Am I missing anything?! I smell a rat… 💩💩💩. Also, Putin moving his country towards the ruble being backed by the gold standard… I’m very sure many people in very dark, evil places are not going to like that… 🤔🤔🤔