New Year Special Offer
Former Ethics Researcher at the W.H.O., Astrid Stuckelburger, PhD: Don’t Get Tested!
Soviet Canada: Doctor Locked in Psych Ward Who Exposed Stillbirth Explosion in 'Vaccinated' Moms
The Soviet Union often claimed that dissidents had “mental issues” and would lock them up in asylums, keep them drugged, and eventually they would die.
In November, Dr. Melvin Bruchet and his friend, Dr. Daniel Nagase, filed criminal charges against elected and appointed Candian government officials in British Columbia over a possible conflict of interest regarding provincial lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and vaccine passports. The doctors exposed a severe spike in stillbirths at a Vancouver hospital. The women were injected with the experimental Covid “vaccine” in all cases. In December 2021, reminiscent of the Soviet Union’s treatment of dissidents, the Canadian government targeted Dr. Melvin Bruchet and unlawfully placed him in detention against his will.
Can’t Make This Up: Flocks Of Sheep Assembled To Form Giant Syringe In Germany To ‘Get The Message Across Better’
If you are still hesitant about getting a Covid vaccine, observing how easily sheep conform and comply should do the trick.
To promote dangerous experimental gene therapy compliance, the German government used “bits of bread” to train over 700 sheep and goats to assemble in line and form the shape of a 330-foot long syringe.
90.3% vaxxed Massachusetts sees 122% increase in the rate of new BREAKTHROUGH Covid cases among the vaccinated.
In the last week, 45,029 new breakthrough cases -- infections in people who have been vaccinated -- were reported, with 370 more vaccinated people hospitalized, Massachusetts Department of Public Health officials said Tuesday. It's a 122% increase in the rate of new breakthrough cases in Massachusetts -- last week saw 20,247 new COVID infections in vaccinated people.
The new report brings the total number of breakthrough cases to 179,594, and the death toll among people with breakthrough infections to 942.
Macron’s verbal attack came as the government seeks to push through parliament legislation that will make vaccination compulsory to enjoy cultural activities, use inter-city train travel or visit to a cafe from January 15. No longer will it be possible to have a recent test or a recovery from Covid to qualify for the country’s Covid pass.
But the government was incensed when the opposition joined forces on Monday to hold up the passage of the legislation through parliament. Macron said: “I am not going to put them (the non-vaccinated) in prison, I am not going to forcibly vaccinate them. “And so, we have to tell them: from January 15th, you will no longer be able to go to the restaurant. You will no longer be able to go for a coffee, you will no longer be able to go to the theatre. You will no longer be able to go to the cinema,” he said. “When my freedom threatens that of others, I become irresponsible. An irresponsible person is no longer a citizen,” the president said.
Florida Surgeon General: This idea that you could stop this with vaccines was unrealistic. A mismatch between policies and reality

Border Congestion Feared as Vaccination Requirements Change in January
The flow of freight between the United States and its neighbors Canada and Mexico could slow beginning in January, as all three countries adopt more stringent COVID-19 vaccine requirements for cross-border truck traffic.
“All inbound foreign national travelers seeking to enter the United States via land points of entry or ferry terminals — whether for essential or nonessential reasons — must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and provide related proof of vaccination,” said a bulletin from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. While the Nov. 23 announcement said only that the restrictions would be adopted in January, it’s expected they’ll take effect Jan. 22.
WHO & CDC Confirm: Variants Caused By Gene Deletion And Mutation
The U.S. Army just announced a new creation of a Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle (SpFN)“vaccine” and claim it works “against all existing COVID & SARS variants”. Without animal testing or safety studies, Human trials are already underway.
The U.S. Army published a series of preclinical studies claiming the Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle serum “protects against heterologous challenge with B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 virus variants” during an animal trial. This is key to understanding what they’re really doing with these death jabs.
Heterologous challenges result from cross-species genomics. When you delete genes and code Human cells with insect DNA (Luciferase) and monkey DNA, bad things happen. It’s called mutation.
The story goes that the “B.1.1.7 Alpha variant” of SARS-CoV-2, the supposed “virus” that causes COVID-19, has turned up in the UK and the “B.1.351 Beta variant” in South Africa. Then there’s the “B.1.1.529 Omicron variant“ which is new on the scene.
FEMA will gather feedback on January 6th to the latest planning guidance for response to a nuclear detonation.

Chaos Will Rampage And Reign Supreme In 2022 As It Becomes Painfully Clear To All But The Most Dumbed Down That COVID Was Launched On The World To Usher In A Totalitarian Power Grab
Stupidity, arrogance, and evil ultimately destroy themselves, but their rampage was unabated in 2021. A group of stupid, arrogant, and evil people are using a virus and its variants to shepherd the world into a scheme of totalitarian global governance. This was conspiracy theory when the virus first surfaced; now it’s nakedly obvious reality. The one redeeming feature of the year was that more people saw the light.
The self-impressed and self-anointed rule not by claim of divine right, but by claim of superior intelligence and virtue. Real intelligence and virtue hope to find the same in other people; our commissars prey on human weakness. Fear and panic are their allies, truth and rationality their enemies.
New COVID-19 Variant With 46 Mutations Discovered In Southern France
Since its arrival in late November, the unquestionably mild Omicron strain of Covid-19 has sent daily new infections to record highs, while hospital admissions - and particularly deaths - have remained relatively low compared to the giant new denominator.
But it was only a matter of time before a new variant hit the scene. Like omicron, it appears this new variant originated in an African country - Cameroon - after being isolated by scientists in southern France.
Governments Admit Using 'Mass Formation Psychosis' As Tool of Population Control
Dr. Robert Malone’s assertions about “mass formation psychosis” in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic are underscored by the fact that authorities in the UK admitted to using “totalitarian” methods of “mind control” to instill fear in the population.
In Canada, the military also admitted launching a psychological operations campaign against their own people in order to manipulate them into compliance with COVID-19 restrictions and mandates.
During his viral podcast with Joe Rogan after he was banned by Twitter, Malone explained how the global population was being manipulated into remaining in a constant state of hysterical anxiety via mass formation psychosis.
State Of Emergency Declared In Kazakhstan’s Largest City After Fuel Price Riots, Internet Cut
Large-scale protests in Kazakhstan are growing more fierce by the day, with video emerging from major cities showing police vehicles being attacked and set on fire, as authorities try to clamp down on a third consecutive day of rage against a sudden rise in fuel prices after authorities lifted price caps on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
In what marks a very rare example of mass public dissent in the former Soviet republic which has one-party rule, protests which erupted last weekend centered in the oil-rich western Mangystau region have now spread across multiple towns and cities including several oil-producing hubs.
Area 51 (2005 video game)
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New Year Special Offer
Thank you for your diligent research, and for reminding us that we're confronted, as always, by mass evil, but that there are always brave souls to confront it and inspire the rest of us.