Russia expels diplomats and other staff from US embassy in Moscow
Russia is starting to expel diplomats and other staff from the US embassy in Moscow; tells staff "AND TAKE YOUR RAINBOW FLAGS WITH YOU."
Russia is supposed to recall it's Diplomats from the USA on Jan. 31st. It appears they moved up the time table.
Historically, expelling embassy staff is one of the last things you do before a major conflict.
Russia thins out embassy in Ukraine
KYIV (NYTIMES) - The week before intensive diplomatic meetings began over the buildup of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border, US and Ukrainian officials watched from afar as Russia began emptying out its embassy in Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital.
On Jan 5, 18 people - mostly the children and wives of Russian diplomats - boarded buses and embarked on a 15-hour drive home to Moscow, according to a senior Ukrainian security official.
About 30 more followed in the next few days, from Kyiv and a consulate in Lviv, in western Ukraine.
DARPA funds Soylent Green as Empty Shelves in USA – #BareShelvesBiden Trends
DARPA is funding the creation of 3D printed food from “mixed waste,” to be served “when traditional food is unavailable.” #BareShelvesBiden is trending as empty shelves are found across the USA, and the LA Times promises the situation is only going to get worse. The food supply chain is buckling under the pressure of mandates and quarantines. What is the agenda behind this engineered shortage? Find out in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.
Soylent Green ( 1973)
In 1973, it won the Nebula Award for Best Dramatic Presentation and the Saturn Award for Best Science Fiction Film.
Plot-In the year 2022, the cumulative effects of overpopulation, pollution, and some apparent climate catastrophe have caused severe worldwide shortages of food, water and housing. There are 40 million people in New York City alone, where only the city's elite can afford spacious apartments, clean water, and natural food, and even then at horrendously high prices. The homes of the elite usually include concubines who are referred to as "furniture" and serve the tenants as slaves.
Executing Covid Patients for Profit Is a Growing Enterprise In American Hospitals
The rumors that many hospitals are executing their patients in order to receive payment that the Federal government pays medical organizations for covid deaths. As a reminder, on April 18, 2020, the CSS published an article criticing then FDA Commisioner Hahn when he said that the FDA was requiring third party validation for the PCR test. Anyone with any experience in the research field understood the government was admitting that they did not have a reliable test.
This also permitted the CDC to greatly exaggerate the case numbers in order to lock the economy down, wreck the economy, destroy the Constitution and erase our Constitutional Republic and replace it with a Bolshevik dictatorship with Nazi overtones. Today, the CDC admits the PCR test produces a high number of false positives including the diagnosing of the flue and the common cold.
Five nurses speak out about what is really going on in hospitals
Operation Extermination–the Plan to Decimate the Human Immune System with a Lab-Generated Pathogen
“If someone wished to kill a significant portion of the world’s population over the next few years, the systems being put in place right now would enable it.” Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President
“And this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard is coming; and now is already in the world.” 1 John 4:2–3
Question– Does the Covid-19 vaccine damage the immune s qystem?
Answer– It does. It impairs the body’s ability to fight infection, viruses and disease.
Question– If that’s true, then why haven’t more people died after getting vaccinated?
Answer– I’m not sure what you mean? The vaccine has killed more people than any vaccine in history. “So far, in the United States, the death toll is three times higher than the total of all vaccines in the last 35 years.” That’s simply astonishing. We’ve also seen a steady rise in all-cause mortality and excess deaths in the countries that launched mass vaccination campaigns earlier in the year. Sometimes the increase is as much as 20 percent over the five-year average. That is a massive spike in fatalities, and it’s largely attributable to the vaccine. So, what do you mean when you say, “Why haven’t more people died”? Did you expect to see people clutching their hearts and dropping dead after getting jabbed? That’s a very naive understanding of how the injection works.
More Evil From Pfizer

Pathologist explains (vaxxed) cardiac deaths on soccer pitch (Video)
Elite athletes who have been forced into getting vaccinated now face an unprecedented risk of dying on the job. Video after video shows FIFA players falling over and clutching their chests. "It's probably nothing," the nurse who is assigned to give you your fourth jab will say.
That is not what Dr. Roger Hodkinson is saying - in fact, he is outraged at the lockdown class.
Dr. Hodkinson is one of the few medical doctors in the western world willing to stand up and say "enough is enough."
It's not just soccer players on his mind, either. Dr. Hodkinson has been carefully watching numbers published by insurance companies, showing that deaths among the average population are spiking by as much as 40% in some cases.
Could this be because of the shots?
AMA Defies Supreme Court Ruling, Own Code Of Ethics, Calls For Employer Vaccine Mandates
The president of the Chicago-based American Medical Association, Gerald E. Harmon, M.D., wrote on Friday in Crain’s Chicago Businessthat employers should impose COVID vaccine mandates as a condition of employment.
Last week’s decision by the United States Supreme Court invalidating the Biden Administration’s attempt to force employers to do so “should not,” Harmon wrote, “prevent these employers from doing what must be done in the name of public health: requiring vaccines to protect their workers, our communities and our nation from the ravages of this pandemic.”
150k Covid-19 Deaths? – The ONS state in black and white that just 17,000 people have died of Covid-19 in the past 2 years
For nearly two years the people of the UK have been repeatedly ordered to stay at home, wear masks, and get vaccinated in order to protect the NHS and save lives. Lockdown after lockdown, restriction after restriction.
Millions of lives have been put on hold, millions of others have been ruined. Millions of jobs have been lost, thousands of businesses are now closed forever.
But a huge majority of the British people think it has all been worth it, and absolutely necessary due to the fear propaganda that has played on a 24/7 loop on their television screens, and headlined every newspaper over the past two years.
Because the British public have been led to believe that over one-hundred-and-fifty-thousand people have died of Covid-19, and they’ve been told that number would have been much higher if they had not complied with the destruction of the economy and decimation of their lives.
But now we can confirm without a shadow of a doubt that the 150k number is an outright lie thanks to a recent response to a Freedom of Information Request made to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), in which the ONS confirms that just 17,371 people have died of Covid-19 over the past two years.
We just witnessed one of the most catastrophic disasters in modern history that should be a major wake up call
Why does our planet keep getting hit by “historic disaster” after “historic disaster”? Over the past couple of years, an extremely unusual series of hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions have rocked the globe.
Authorities keep telling us that “everything is normal”, but the truth is that there is absolutely nothing about any of this that is “normal”. Major changes appear to be happening to our planet, and that has enormous implications for our future.
Unfortunately, the corporate media gives very little attention to the major disasters that take place outside of the United States, and so most Americans don’t even understand the seriousness of what we are facing. Over the weekend, the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano in Tonga experienced a “once in a thousand years explosion”.
This eruption sent a 3-mile wide mushroom cloud of red hot ash, steam, and gas 12 miles into the air. To put that in perspective, the entire island of Manhattan is only 2.3 miles wide. This eruption was so massive that it actually created an entirely new island, and the sonic boom from the blast could be heard 6000 miles away in Alaska…
The Coming Global Famine
Sometime around 4,000 years ago, the Pharaoh of Egypt summoned an imprisoned slave named Joseph. Two dreams bothered Pharaoh, and none of his magicians or wise men could interpret them (Genesis 41:1-8). In his first dream, Pharaoh saw seven fat, healthy cows grazing by the Nile. Then seven thin cows appeared and ate the seven fat ones. In his second dream, Pharaoh saw seven large, beautiful heads of grain. Then seven shriveled heads of grain appeared and swallowed up the first seven.
Pharaoh asked Joseph to interpret the dreams. "I don't have the power to do this," Joseph told him. "But God does, and He can tell you what it means." Joseph went on to tell Pharaoh the meaning of the dreams. He said seven years of famine will follow seven years of plenty.
White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci testified to Congress about the country’s efforts to develop a pan-coronavirus vaccine, meant to combat both Covid and other similar viruses that could emerge in the coming years. The short-term applications of a vaccine that effectively tackles all forms of Covid could be significant, Fauci said: “We won’t be chasing after the next variant.”
Longer term, Fauci said, the development of a universal coronavirus vaccine could help prevent the world’s next pandemic. Non-Covid coronaviruses have been responsible for diseases like SARS and MERS over the past two decades, alongside many common cold infections. “The importance of developing a pan-coronavirus vaccine, namely one that would be effective against all SARS-CoV-2 variants, and ultimately against all coronaviruses, becomes even more apparent,” Fauci told the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee.
Supreme Court on Mandates: A Little Good News and a Bunch of Bad News
While we can certainly embrace whatever positive things we can get, there is a lot of bad news along with the silver lining in the 2 recent Supreme Court mandate opinions. It’s not a time to be celebrating. Not even close.
Israel finds 4 Pfizer jabs ‘not good enough’ against Omicron
An Israeli study suggests that an additional booster failed to prevent a large number of infections
A fourth dose of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine showed dwindling effectiveness against the Omicron variant, according to a trial conducted in Israel, with one its lead researchers saying the immunization is simply “not good enough.”
A study involving 154 medical staffers at Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv found that a fourth shot gave only marginal protection against the Omicron strain compared to previous mutations.