Exclusive: Trucker blockade responds to premier's comments that protest is unlawful
The truckers have issued a statement clarifying that they condemn individual actions of violence and that they are there protesting for Canadians and fighting for the future of the country.

Police have been on the scene of the blockade since Monday morning. Rebel News reporters have not seen any violent altercations at the blockade site, and the truckers have been public in their commitment to remain peaceful.
The truckers turn to God, surrounded and cornered in by Kenneys government.

Aerial of Coutts border blockade right now
Alberta towing companies reject requests to supply trucks to RCMP
“A lot of these smaller companies don’t want to ruin their reputation in the communities they serve so they don’t want to get involved.”
Authorities searching for tow truck companies to assist in the removal of trucks from Coutts border blockade are coming up empty-handed.
According to local towing companies, requests have come in since Sunday for trucks to assist RCMP should they look to haul away trucks and other vehicles participating in the border blockade.
The Western Standard spoke with a number of tow truck companies in southern Alberta including in Calgary, Lethbridge and Medicine Hat.
City Wide towing in Calgary said they had tow trucks at the blockade yesterday to help support anyone in need, but confirmed no trucks stayed on scene.
RCMP preventing food, medicine from reaching truckers' border blockade
Police are refusing to allow food and medicine to reach the protesters.
Rebel reporters Kian “K2” Simone and Sydney Fizzard have been embedded with a group of truckers protesting at the Canada-U.S. border crossing in Coutts, Alberta. The truckers have gathered at the crossing between Alberta-Montana in a show of solidarity with the Freedom Convoy that travelled across Canada, finally converging in Ottawa this past weekend.
During the dispute at the border, the protesters complied with a request from the authorities to allow some traffic — like locals, trucks hauling goods and other essential crossings — to pass through their blockade.
O’Toole’s caucus in open revolt following leadership vacuum
Calgary MP Bob Benzen doubled down today on his calls to right the Conservative ship, asking his colleagues to yank O’Toole from the podium.
"We can be the party of Kim Campbell, or we can be the party of Stephen Harper," Benzen said in an open letter to his colleagues.
The move appears to be calculated, coming at a time when Erin O’Toole has never been further offside with the party base.
Late Monday night, Conservative Party Leader Erin O’Toole officially faced calls for a caucus review of his leadership.
The challenge is the first of its kind for Erin O’Toole, and comes after a turbulent week for the failing leader.
Illinois Democrat Rep. Calls For "Quarantine To Observe" Those Refusing Vaccines
Villa Park State Rep. Deb Conroy (Democrat) wants to "isolate or quarantine persons who are unable or unwilling to receive vaccines, medications, or other treatments."
HB 4640 is scheduled to be heard in the Illinois House Human Services Committee February 2 at 9:00 AM.
If HB 4640 were to become law, persons exposed to an infectious disease could be placed under Public Health Department observation, only possible in a contained atmosphere with Department watch guards, some suggest such as a concentration camp.
The bill says:
To prevent the spread of a dangerously contagious or infectious disease, the [Public Health] Department may, pursuant to the provisions of subsection (c) of this Section, isolate or quarantine persons whose refusal to undergo observation and monitoring results in uncertainty regarding whether he or she has been exposed to or is infected with a dangerously contagious or infectious disease or otherwise poses a danger to the public's health.
HB 4640 would also set up a state network data collection system for persons that have received mandated vaccines, medications, or otherwise.
Conroy's measure is to be heard this week.
Quebec Scraps Planned Tax On Unvaccinated Residents Amid Growing Backlash
Perhaps seeing the massive response to the Canadian truckers' "Freedom Convoy" this weekend - and, more importantly, their prime ministers' cowering response before he conveniently tested positive for COVID himself just weeks after receiving his booster - was enough to make the provincial government in Quebec rethink its plans to tax any adult who refuses the vaccine.
The Entire Planet Became A Global Jonestown When Most Of The World 'Drank The Kool-Aid': The Lies The American People Have Been Told By Our Media And Public Servants Are Endless
Just check out all of the lies that the American people have been told throughout the entire 'scamdemic,' especially as they've tried to 'sell' the masses the 'experimental mRNA injection', as pointed out in the 1st video at the bottom of this story and this column. With lies like these long coming at the American people from our politicians, the msm and 'big medicine', does anyone still believe them?)
The vaccines are 95% effective at preventing infection? Breakthrough infections everywhere!
The vaccinated can’t spread COVID (“Get vaccinated to protect grandma”)? The vaxxed are as infectious as the 'naive unvaccinated' and significantly more infectious than recovered unvaccinated. The vaxxed can become superspreaders like Typhoid Mary, because they are equally or more infectious, but with sometimes suppressed symptoms.
After getting fully vaccinated, you’ll be done for good? Boosters are required, because the vaccine only provides some protection, for only a few months, and only against a specific variant. Anyone who doesn’t get the booster will be considered unvaccinated after 6 months.
Shining light on the vaccine injured
A Crime Against Our Youngest Children
The Shell Game Continues: Moderna’s ‘FDA Approved’ Vax Is Not Available To Americans, And It’s Not Scrutinized For Omicron
On Monday, the FDA “approved” Moderna’s Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine for all US customers. Just like the Pfizer “approval” episode, this vaccine will not be able for anyone for an indefinite period of time. And according to the FDA, the shot was approved without being tested for Omicron, which accounts for 99.9% of current U.S. COVID cases.
The FDA said in a widely-celebrated press release Monday:
“Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a second COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine; the approved vaccine will be marketed as Spikevax for the prevention of COVID-19 in individuals 18 years of age and older.”
The FDA noted in the small print of its approval letter that Spikevax and Moderna’s emergency use authorization shot are “legally distinct” products, adding that there are “certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness”. The same disclaimer was made when the FDA approved Pfizer’s Comirnaty, which has never seen the light of day in the United States.
Two Key Global Shortages That Could Spell Disaster For 2022
This was supposed to be the year that things "got back to normal", but here we are at the end of January and things have only gotten worse. As we move forward into February and beyond, there are two key global shortages that we are going to want to keep a very close eye on.
One of them is the rapidly growing fertilizer shortage. A few days ago, the Wall Street Journal ominously warned that "high fertilizer prices are weighing on farmers across the developing world"...
From South America's avocado, corn and coffee farms to Southeast Asia's plantations of coconuts and oil palms, high fertilizer prices are weighing on farmers across the developing world, making it much costlier to cultivate and forcing many to cut back on production.
US Military: casualties mount in wake of attack disguised as “medical treatment”
The following should set the warning sirens wailing deafeningly loud across the world wherever mind-bogglingly irresponsible or malicious governments have injected their own citizens with experimental biochemical agents in what amounts for all intents and purposes to a biological warfare attack.
The following article, featured in the highly recommended British publication The Conservative Woman, focusses on reports emanating from the US military concerning the explosion of cancers and other illnesses that quickly followed their “vaccination” program.
Let us not forget amid the media-generated hysteria smoke screen that the excuse for unleashing the deadly “vaccines” upon military personnel and indeed millions of other young and healthy people, a great many already possessed of robust natural immunity in any case, was to “protect” them from a bug KNOWN FULL WELL to be little or no threat to their demographic.
The Vaccine Passport Scheme Goes National One QR Code at a Time
The threat of being required to carry a vaccine passport to participate in society is continuing to spread rapidly like an undiagnosed cancerous tumor. It has already taken hold in countries such as Italy, France, and Australia. These de facto digital ID systems threaten to enslave us all. When fully implemented you’ll no longer be able to travel freely, purchase goods and services, or access many public spaces without one. Though the passports or certificates (as they are sometimes called) may initially only contain vaccination and health records, in the future they will be expanded to include vital private information as explained in part five of the Beware the Vaccine series:
…the plan is to roll out a full-fledged digital ID (ID2020) which would contain driver’s licenses, passports, work badges, building access cards, debit and credit cards, transit passes, and more. – Jesse Smith
A National Digital Vaccine Card Emerges
Until recently, implementation of vaccine passports moved slowly in the U.S. with only New York and California requiring usage. All of this has rapidly changed as many more states have begun to thrust them upon their citizens such as Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Illinois, Louisiana, and even Washington D.C. The commonality is that they all use an open-source platform called the “SMART Health Card” which can be adopted by any state or municipality.
Putin names possible reason for Russia-NATO war
If NATO allows Ukraine to join the bloc, it might end in disaster, Russia’s President says
The possibility of Ukraine joining NATO poses a threat to European security, as it creates the grounds for a major conflict between Moscow and the military bloc, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Tuesday.
Ukraine’s official state doctrine includes an intention to restore Kiev’s sovereignty over the Crimean Peninsula, which has been part of Russia since 2014, and, notably, by “military means,” he pointed out, during a joint press conference with the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orban.
On Tuesday, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky said to media in his country: “This is not going to be a war between Ukraine and Russia; this is going to be a European war, a full-fledged war.”
President Volodymyr Zelensky, hosting Boris Johnson in Kyiv, warned the world that if Russia launches a new invasion of Ukraine "This is not going to be a war of Ukraine and Russia. This is going to be a European war. A full-fledged war."
Given that Zelensky has been in close touch with illegitimate US President Joe Biden, and the NATO Nitwit, Jens Stoltenberg, the world should take seriously what this Nazi-esque Ukrainian leader is saying publicly.
Americans in particular should pay very close attention because a "full-fledged war in Europe" would involve the US, and if it does involve the US, then we here in the US should plainly expect to see missiles falling on targets here in north America.
Bugs, rodent hair and poop: How much is legally allowed in the food you eat every day?
Brace yourselves, America: Many of your favorite foods may contain bits and pieces of creatures that you probably didn’t know were there.
How about some rodent dung in your coffee? Maggots in your pizza sauce? Mold in the jelly on your toast?
Oh, and so sorry, chocolate lovers. That dark, delicious bar you devoured might contain 30 or more insect parts and a sprinkling of rodent hair.
Called “food defects,” these dismembered creatures and their excrement are the unfortunate byproduct of growing and harvesting food.
Many scary things. May God watch over and protect us from the lunatics. 🙏