New Year Special Offer
What Dr. Robert Malone Could NOT Tell Joe Rogan
Everything Dr. Malone is observing is explained by the global extermination agenda targeting humanity
The motivation behind everything Dr. Malone explains to Rogan in the interview is simply inescapable. Why are hospitals and governments throwing out all the rules of medical ethics? Why are they suppressing early treatments that would save lives? Why are they incentivizing hospitals to diagnose more people with COVID? Why are they using a PCR test that lacks specificity and can be turned up to produce false positives? Why is the media lying about all this? Why is Big Tech censoring scientists and anyone else who disagrees with the official narrative?
And most importantly, why are the governments of the world in a mad panic to inject as many people as possible with mRNA nanoparticles that override their protein synthesis and turn their bodies into spike protein (bioweapons) factories?
The answer is obvious and inescapable: They are trying to achieve global depopulation.
Federal judge BLOCKS Biden vaccine mandate for group of Navy SEALS
A federal judge in Texas issued a temporary injunction Monday against President Joe Biden’s military vaccine mandate, delivering a win to dozens of Navy SEALs who sued the Biden administration.
Judge Reed O’Connor of the U.S. District Court of the Northern District of Texas issued a preliminary injunction against Biden’s military mandate prohibiting the Pentagon from forcing 35 Navy SEALs to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. The injunction only applies to the servicemen involved in the lawsuit, not to the mandate in general
Covid Vaccines are A THREAT TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY, according to Author of “Vaccines Are Dangerous!”
Curtis Cost, the author of “Vaccines Are Dangerous”, spoke with Gateway Pundit about his new forum of African American influencers speaking out against the vaccine and mandates.
“I am not rich, I am not white, I am not a female,” said Cost. “That is the stereotype they are trying to put out there about what type of people are against these vaccines. That is false.”
UK’s Regulatory Agency turns a Blind Eye to Ethylene Oxide on Test Swabs
Responding to a request under the Freedom of Information Act mid-last year, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (“MHRA”) – the organisation responsible for regulating medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion in the UK – demonstrated little interest in the use of ethylene oxide to sterilise test swabs being used en masse and repeatedly by the UK population.
There are three common methods of sterilising medical devices such as test swabs: two methods of radiation (“R”) and ethylene oxide (“EO”). In May 2021, in response to a request made under the Freedom of Information Act (“FoI”), the MHRA showed poor knowledge and little interest in taking responsibility for the amount of EO residue that may be transferred to people when taking Covid tests.
EO is used as a sterilising agent for medical supplies and foods, as a fumigant and as an insecticide. Exposure to this substance is highly irritating to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract, induces nausea and vomiting and causes central nervous system depression. Ethylene oxide is mutagenic in humans and chronic exposure is associated with an increased risk of leukaemia, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
The world's largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, will start up with twice the power in March after a three-year break.

‘Israel could be completely unprotected against COVID-19 in a month’ - report
“Within a month or two, the protection in Israel could be almost back to where it was before vaccines,” reads a report.
Israel’s Pandemic Response Team was warned last Tuesday night that Israel could go from being reasonably protected against Omicron to not being protected at all within just a month.
As a result, the team – along with the COVID-19 Vaccination Advisory Board – voted to allow the country’s highest risk population to receive a fourth shot of the Pfizer COVID vaccine, sparking controversy in Israel and around the world.
What If The Largest Experiment On Human Beings In History Is A Failure?
A report from an Indiana life insurance company raises serious concerns.
Dr. McCullough: Outpatient Treatments for COVID-19 Have Been Suppressed
Dr. Peter McCullough told The Epoch Times that the public should question why the governments and public health officials around the world have put little to no emphasis on outpatient treatments in their efforts to fight the COVID-19 virus, instead of promoting a massive effort on vaccines.
“Lots of messaging on the vaccine, but zero mentioning on treatment, none. And it’s been from the very beginning. There is a theme here, I hope everyone’s starting to get the theme. There is zero effort, interest, promotion, or care about early treatment, people who are sick with COVID-19,” said McCollough.
Tech Giants Alter 5G Rollout Plans
Two US cell providers say they will hold off on their 5G networks amid safety concerns from airlines and federal regulators
AT&T and Verizon, two of America’s largest telecom firms, have agreed to a temporary delay for their C-band 5G networks as talks continue with government officials and airlines, who say the tech could affect aircraft instruments.
The companies confirmed the pause in separate statements on Monday, with Verizon stating it had agreed to a two-week delay, “which promises the certainty of bringing this nation our game-changing 5G network in January.”
The Collins And Fauci Attack On Traditional Public Health
On Oct. 4, 2020, with Prof. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University, we wrote the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD). Our purpose was to express our grave concerns over the inadequate protection of the vulnerable and the devastating harms of the lockdown pandemic policy adopted by much of the world; We proposed an alternative strategy of focused protection.
The key scientific fact on which the GBD was based—a more than thousand-fold higher risk of death for the old compared to the young—meant that better protection of the old would minimize COVID deaths. At the same time, opening schools and lifting lockdowns would reduce the collateral harm to the rest of the population.
People are dying, but not the ones you think for the reasons you think
While the mainstream media, at least in 2020, tracked deaths with the fanaticism of an insurance company, they've always lacked accuracy. That's why it matters when a major American insurance company, which is in the business of accurate data about deaths, announces that Americans in the 18–64 age bracket are dying in unprecedented numbers. The same data suggest that these aren't COVID deaths, which makes them much more sinister.
OneAmerica is a major insurance company located in Indianapolis with annual revenue of around $2 billion and total assets of around $74 billion. This is not a fly-by-night internet "insurance" company. OneAmerica is the real deal, selling both individual and group life insurance, and it has data and actuarial tables that go back 145 years. It's also a progressive company that boasts about "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" right on its home page. In other words, it's not some "scary" right-wing reactionary firm.
Booster efficacy (or lack thereof) visualization
The Government Intel Agencies Behind Digital Vaccine Passport IDs
The COVID pandemic has provided convenient cover for Technocrat operatives to implement a global digital tracking system that will enable their plans for Scientific Dictatorship, aka Technocracy. They have largely hijacked the force and resources of government. ⁃ TN Editor
In January 2021, tech giants such as Microsoft, Oracle, and MITRE Corporation announced their launch of the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI) in partnership with healthcare companies.
On their website, the VCI describes itself as an alliance of private and public organizations dedicated to the development of the ‘issuance of verifiable health credentials’ bound to an individual digital identity.
The VCI idea depends upon a common platform from which digital wallets can be created, and on the VCI website they call for “participating organizations to commit to implementing, testing, and refining the SMART Health Cards Framework within their sphere of influence.”
According to VCI, their ‘SMART Health Cards’ are meant to “work across organizational and jurisdictional boundaries.”
GMO Foods Will Start Being Labelled “Bioengineered” or Include a QR Code, Website, or Phone Number for Verification
GMO Foods Won’t Be Marked That Way Under New Rules
Government replaces ‘GMO’ and ‘GE’ on labels with ‘bioengineered’—or a QR code
(Newser) – Genetically modified foods are still available in grocery stores, but the process of identifying them has changed. Shoppers will no longer see labels marked “genetically engineered” or “genetically modified organisms.” Instead of “GMO” or “GE,” products will be marked “bioengineered” or include a QR code, website, or phone number for shoppers looking for more information, the Washington Post reports. The Department of Agriculture said the change is in the name of consistency, to eliminate “a patchwork of state labeling regulations.” Food safety advocates and others see confusion ahead.
“The worst part of this law is the use of the term ‘bioengineered’ because that’s not a term most consumers are familiar with,” said Gregory Jaffe, director of the biotechnology project for the Center for Science in the Public Interest. He suspects a main driver of the change is the fact that “GMO” has become pejorative to many people. Even supporters are baffled by the timing. Consumer Brands Association asked the agency to delay the new rules until the pandemic and supply chain crises are over.
BREAKING NEWS: Iran has hacked one of Israel’s largest news publications leaving a chilling warning
One of Israel’s largest news publications, The Jerusalem Post has been hacked by Iran in what it said was an apparent threat to the country. Instead of displaying a main news page, the website showed an illustration that appeared to recall top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, who was assassinated in a U.S. drone strike in Iraq on this day in 2020.
According to Reuters, The illustration showed a bullet-shaped object shooting out of a red ring worn on a finger, an apparent reference to a distinctive ring Soleimani used to wear. The Jerusalem Post, an English-language daily, tweeted that it was working to resolve the issue.
The Times of Israel stated that the Twitter account of the Maariv newspaper, which has the same owners as the English-language Post, briefly held the same message, but soon took it down. The Post said it was working to restore its site.
Freezing snow storm Frida slams into East Coast and compounds nation's COVID paralysis: One million are left without power as up to 11 inches of snow falls, closing testing centers and D.C. government offices
Nearly one million people are without power on Monday evening after winter storm Frida slammed into the East Coast earlier in the day dropping as much as eleven inches of snow on the region.
The storm closed government offices and schools in DC and forced airlines operating out of hubs throughout the northeast to cancel more than 3,000 flights.
Snow blanketed the District of Columbia, northern Virginia, and central Maryland, New Jersey, and North Carolina throughout the afternoon. The National Weather Service (NWS) issued a winter storm warning for the area until at least 4 pm EST Monday.
Mass Psychosis or Mass Hypnosis?
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New Year Special Offer