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People infected with monkeypox should stay away from household pets: WHO

German security official warns about ‘enemies of the state’
North Rhine-Westphalia’s interior minister has said the energy crisis and rising prices could be exploited by conspiracy theorists
The current energy crisis and inflation could lead to protests in Germany’s North Rhine-Westphalia, the region’s interior minister has warned. Herbert Reul added that these issues are being exploited by conspiracy theorists, whom he described as a threat to the German state.
Appearing on n-tv’s Fruhstart program on Monday, Reul said that “we’re now no longer talking about protesters, but rather almost something like new enemies of the state, who are establishing themselves there.”
Israel & Turkey Announce Full Normalization Of Ties
On Wednesday, Israel and Turkey announced their official normalization of ties and full restoration of diplomatic relations, returning their ambassadors to Tel Aviv and Ankara. This comes after several years of tension and a gradual reconciliation over the past several months.
"It was decided to once again upgrade the level of the relations between the two countries to that of full diplomatic ties and to return ambassadors and consuls general from the two countries," a statement from the office of interim Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid said.
Taiwan independence means war, Chinese envoy warns
China’s ambassador to the UK urges London not to follow Washington’s lead on the Taiwan question
The Chinese envoy to the United Kingdom has warned that British and American interference on the Taiwan issue could result in a war, claiming that Beijing’s ties with the UK are now at a crossroads over the island.
In a Guardian op-ed on Tuesday, Chinese ambassador to the UK Zheng Zeguang offered his government’s stance on the territorial feud, while declaring that Taiwan had become a “touchstone issue” for China, the US and the UK alike.
Beijing confirms joint military drill with Moscow
The multilateral Vostok 2022 exercises will start in two weeks in eastern Russia
Chinese troops will be among the foreign participants at a multilateral military exercise in Russia called Vostok 2022, China’s Defense Ministry confirmed on Wednesday.
The People’s Liberation Army will send personnel to Russia, expecting the event to “deepen pragmatic and friendly cooperation with the militaries of the participating countries, enhance the level of strategic coordination among the parties, and enhance the ability to deal with various security threats,” a statement said. Beijing noted that current regional and international tensions did not affect its decision.
Joe Biden's Inflation Reduction Act "Secretly" Brought To You By Bill Gates
The Democrats' "Inflation Reduction Act" - which according to the Congressional Budget Office will raise taxes on the middle class to the tune of $20 billion - not to mention unleash an army of IRS agents on working class Americans over the next decade, was made possible by Bill Gates and (in smaller part) Larry Summers, who have been known to hang out together.
The bill, of course, was signed yesterday.
IRS Agents Training to Raid Homes
The Internal Revenue Service 2021 report contains a bit more information about who the IRS aims to target – you. These special IRS Criminal Investigation agents are armed and ready to prevent a penny from leaving the government’s control. After only six months of training, these armed accountants will learn how to use weapons and other law enforcement tactics against the general population.
Agents at the National Criminal Investigation Training Academy (NCITA) participated in mock raids on suburban houses. The Criminal Investigator Training Program (CITP) is followed by a 14-week NCITA Special Agent Investigative Techniques (SAIT) course.
Celente – Americans Now Worried About Feeding Themselves Amid Soaring Food Inflation
August 17 (King World News) – Gerald Celente: Americans, who are forced to deal with ballooning inflation, have turned to food banks to feed their families. But these organizations are also struggling to keep up with demand due to soaring food prices and a fundraising slowdown.
Last month 25 million adult Americans said they did not have enough to eat in the previous seven days, The New York Times reported, citing data from the Census Bureau. The country has not reached such a high level since Christmas 2020.
De-Dollarization In Progress Could "Vaporize" Stocks, Bonds And Real Estate
A couple of days ago, I had the chance to interview my good friend Andy Schectman, President & Owner of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, a company that has done more than $5 billion in sales.
Andy is a world-renowned expert in the field of precious metals and took the time to answer some pressing questions I had about about the state of energy markets in the U.S. and the quickly shifting landscape that the global economy sits on, with the BRIC nations banding together and collectively laughing at the West since the sanctions on Russia went into effect several months ago.
At least 37% of American farmers say they are KILLING existing crops and selling off livestock due to drought after the US experienced its third-hottest July on record
Americans already struggling with inflation may soon have to pay even more for food as farmers kill off their existing crops and sell their livestock amid ongoing drought conditions.
According to a new report from the American Farm Bureau Federation, an insurance company and lobbying group that represents agricultural interests, 37 percent of farmers from the Great Plains through California are killing off crops that won't reach maturity — up 13 percent from last year.
One-third of farmers also reported destroying or removing orchard trees and other multi-year crops, up from 17 percent the year before, while two-thirds of respondents reported selling off portions of their herd or flock.
CDC Director Proposes Changes
Among the changes is lowering the standards of the level of evidence used to make regulatory decisions. Sigh. Please tell your Senators about #PLANB. THAT is a #Reset.
Medicine From the Sky: WEF Uses Drones To Vaccinate Rural Populations
The World Economic Forum is currently running trials using drones to deliver vaccines to rural populations in India.
BC forcing unvaccinated mothers to pay back up to $50K in maternity leave
The BC government wants to leave unvaccinated mothers who are public servants on the hook for any maternity leave they benefited from.
Mothers who are denied an exemption to the Covid-19 shot could be terminated from their jobs and pay back up to $50,000 in maternity benefits.
“The vaccination policy stipulates that BC Public Service employees who do not receive two doses of vaccination against COVID-19, or refuse to disclose their vaccination status, and do not have an approved exemption request, are to be placed on a leave without pay for a period of at least three months, after which they may be terminated,” the BC government writes on their website.
Advocacy group concerned BC will reinstate COVID mandates this fall
A BC-based non-profit organization says there's "already troubling signs ahead of us” regarding the future of COVID-19 policy in the province.
Anticipating “renewed hysteria,” the Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy (CSASPP) — an organization spearheading several legal actions against the provincial government for COVID-related matters — says it is important to reflect on the coming months.
“The potential for a historical replay does not appear to be limited to British Columbia,” said Kip Warner, CSASPP’s executive director in a release.
Horowitz: German insurance claims hint at millions of unreported vaccine injuries
What if 1 in 23 individuals jabbed with the COVID bioproduct experienced an adverse reaction strong enough to trigger an insurance claim? Now consider the fact that 5.31 billion people in the world received at least one jab, with hundreds of millions receiving three or four jabs, and you will realize we are in uncharted waters in human history.
According to data from Techniker Krankenkasse, the largest German medical insurance company, there were a total of 437,593 insurance claims billed under the four diagnostic codes for vaccine injury in 2021. To put those numbers in perspective, the total numbers billed for a vaccine injury code in the two preceding years was 13,777 and 15,044, respectively.
Covid Related Pay-outs Almost Double In 2021 Across UK’s Insurance Industry
The United Kingdom is one of the largest insurance markets in the world, being home to both a very large domestic market and many multinational insurers who provide insurance services around the world. As of 2019, the insurance industry of the United Kingdom was the largest in Europe based on total domestic insurance premiums written (direct premiums and reinsurance ceded). At the same time, the UK was ranked fifth by life and non-life direct premiums written globally – surpassed only by the US, China, Germany, and Japan.
We’ve previously published articles about two US life insurance companies whose claims dramatically increased in 2021, the first year of the Covid “vaccine.”
Report: 44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies; FDA and CDC Recommended Jabs For Expectant Mothers Anyway
More than 40 percent of pregnant women who participated in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine trial suffered miscarriages, according internal Pfizer documents, recently released under court order. Despite this, Pfizer, and the Biden administration insisted that the vaccines were safe for pregnant women. Out of 50 pregnant women, 22 of them lost their babies, according to an analysis of the documents.
In a January court ruling, U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman of the Northern District of Texas, ordered the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to release around 12,000 documents immediately, and then 55,000 pages a month until all documents were released, totaling more than 300,000 pages.
Radical Drought Caused by Military Weather Weapons – Dane Wigington
Last month, climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington predicted “40 million in West would be without water in 2023.” Looks like the U.S. government is just as worried as Wigington about the extreme drought conditions. The Bureau of Reclamation just announced a first-ever forced water cut plan as the Colorado River dwindles to a trickle in Western America. Wigington contends the severe drought in the West and around the world is not a natural event but caused by man-made weather modification called geoengineering.
Thrivetime Show: Latest monkeypox scare is a push for cashless money system, warns Clay Clark
(Natural News) The latest monkeypox scare claiming that the disease can be spread through money and other objects is a push for a cashless system, according to “Thrivetime Show” host Clay Clark.
“This article that is written in People magazine is starting the narrative that monkeypox is spread primarily through physical money. So this article says, ‘Can monkeypox spread through objects like doorknobs?’ It seems unbelievable, but it’s a fact that this is a factual article. It did exist and they are trying to suggest right now that monkeypox can be spread through physical money and the solution would be to not have physical money,” Clark said during the August 11 episode of his show.
Hundreds of Children Diagnosed With ‘Childhood Dementia’ – Doctors Baffled
Hundreds of children are being diagnosed with “childhood dementia” and a rare disease described as Alzheimer’s mixed with Parkinson’s — and doctors are baffled.
In the last two years we have witnessed an inexplicable surge of health ailments, including the sudden and unexpected deaths of young and healthy people. “Coincidences” continue to manifest. A regional hospital had more than a dozen doctors suddenly die in only two weeks. Professional athletes in the prime of their lives are dropping like flies. High-profile celebrities have been struck down with rare medical diagnoses. Never-before-seen hepatitis and viral outbreaks are occurring worldwide.
Troubling information, to say the least. I was lamenting to a friend that a loved one might be getting the booster shot. His comment was, " You can make your feelings known, but you can only control what you do." I thought about that and decided he was correct, so I prayed for that person's health.
Pierre Kory has written that covid vax produces amyloid deposits, which is also found in Alzheimer's brains. I've wondered whether the vax stampede will cause increased Alzheimer's (and other ailments). Looks like it's happening quicker than I expected.
If most people get Alzheimer's, I wonder if they'll declare those without it to be ill, and require treatment?