Pray for this generation to be delivered
WHO declares monkeypox does "currently" not constitute a global health emergency.
Lithuania clarifies stance on Russian exclave transit
President Nauseda says there can be no “corridors” for sanctioned goods between Kaliningrad and mainland Russia
Lithuania will maintain the ban on the transit of sanctioned goods between Kaliningrad Region and mainland Russia, President Gitanas Nauseda has said.
“It is absolutely clear that Lithuania must and will implement EU sanctions,” Nauseda wrote in a Facebook post on Saturday.
“Lithuania must and will maintain control over the goods passing through its territory, and there cannot be any ‘corridors’, nor can there be any appeasement of Russia in response to the Kremlin’s threats. I have made clear to the president of the European Commission how Lithuania sees the situation.”
G7 summit kicks off in Germany
The leaders of the Group of Seven nations will discuss their response to the Russia-Ukraine conflict and energy crisis
The Group of Seven (G7) leaders are meeting in Germany for a three-day summit, which is expected to be dominated by the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Additional sanctions on Moscow, possible diplomatic solutions, and whether to put price caps on Russian oil are set to be on the agenda.
The G7 comprises the US, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. EU officials usually participate in the group’s events as well.
Russia To Transfer Nuclear-Capable Missiles To Belarus "Within Months": Putin
At a moment US media and much of the West is consumed with the historic Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Russian President Vladimir Putin just issued what's possibly the most alarming and escalatory statement thus far in the four-month long Ukraine war.
On Saturday Putin for the first time informed his close ally Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko that he has approved supplying Belarus with nuclear capable long-range missiles. Minsk has long offered to host Russian nukes as a 'deterrent' against the West - a prospect which Lukashenko had very provocatively offered even in the months leading up to the Feb.24 invasion of Ukraine.
Food Riots Continue In Sri Lanka As The Military Begins Shooting
The starving and hungry people of collapsing Sri Lanks have been rioting over the cost of food and lack of energy. As if things couldn’t get worse, the ruling class has taken to gunning down those who stand against being ruled.
People are starving and are without gas or electricity, and now they are rioting as a society completely collapses. To make matters worse, the military is gunning people down. This is a glimpse into the future here if the rulers of Western countries continue. Once they collapse it around us, we will be the ones starving while the government makes sure it can remain intact and functional. That means we’ll still get stolen from and be forced at the barrel of the fun to comply with whatever they say.
Global Food Shortage: U.N. Chief Guterres Warns of Looming ‘Catastrophe’
The world faces the prospect of a mass starvation “catastrophe” driven by unprecedented food shortages, U.N. chief Antonio Guterres warned Friday.
Guterres pointed to the conflict in Ukraine as exacerbating disruptions caused by “climate change, the coronavirus pandemic and inequality” to produce an “unprecedented global hunger crisis” already affecting hundreds of millions of people.
People Going Hungry as Food Prices Soar, Many Barely Able to Afford One Meal a Day
People in North America are now starting to go hungry as food prices skyrocket amid global shortages and soaring inflation.
While experts have been warning for months about looming food shortages, people are now being impacted by the crisis.
A new report from Canada says individuals living on government benefits are being forced to live with less.
Christian pregnancy clinic in Colorado is torched and graffitied with the words 'if abortions aren't safe, neither are you' after pro-abortion extremists warned of 'night of rage' following Roe v. Wade decision
A fire which occurred at a Christian pregnancy clinic in Colorado is being treated as arson after chilling messages were spray painted onto the walls and ground outside.
'If abortions aren't safe, neither are you,' read one. 'Bans off our bodies' said another by the entrance at the Life Choices clinic in Longmont, northeast of Boulder.
The fire broke out in the middle of the night at 3:17am on Saturday morning. Authorities believe the fire was set deliberately. No abortions are carried out at the center which aims to educate women on pregnancy
Facebook’s Audit Director AND Marketing Leads Are Former Pfizer Directors.
Conflict of interest, much?
Facebook – a platform that routinely censors posts critical of COVID-19 vaccines – has hired several alumni from Pfizer’s marketing and internal audit teams to lead similar efforts at the social media platform, The National Pulse can reveal.
The hires appear to present a conflict of interest for the social media platform, which has come under fire for censoring and banning users who’ve posted about the side effects or questioned the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.
Facebook’s Internal Audit Director, for example, was formerly a Senior Director at Pfizer. The employee – Tiffany Stokes – has held the influential position at Facebook since January 2020.
Dramatic Decline in Births in Germany
Must be the weather
Covid Vaccines and Fertility
Why is there a substantial decrease in births in Germany and Switzerland – nine months after the beginning of covid mass vaccinations?
An Israeli study recently published in the scientific journal Andrology found a 15% decrease in sperm concentration three months after mRNA covid vaccination. The authors argued the decrease was temporary, but the data didn’t actually show a recovery, just a wider confidence interval. However, the study was very small (just 37 participants), it had no control group (to exclude external effects), and several other studies found no such decrease in sperm concentration – some even found a supposed increase, highlighting that such measurements can be quite complex.
Pfizer says tweaked COVID-19 shots boost Omicron protection
Essex Care Home Locked Down After “Fully Vaccinated” Residents Tested Positive for Covid
Public Health England has forced the closure of a care home in Essex for at least two weeks after 10 residents test positive for Covid. It is understood that all the care home’s residents have been injected with four doses of the “safe and effective” Covid “vaccine.”
In its ‘Living with Covid-19’ strategy, from 24 February the UK government, amongst others, removed the legal requirement to self-isolate following a positive test and revoked The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No. 3) Regulations – after which local authorities will continue to manage local outbreaks of Covid in high-risk settings as they do with other infectious diseases.
Australia Is The Only Democratic Nation That Tracks Its Citizens By Their ‘Faceprint’ For COVID Containment Procedures, But That’s About To Change
Australia’s unique use of facial recognition technology from tech startup Genvis, called a faceprint, has caused controversy, stoking privacy fears that it could become a world leader in regulating its use.
Let me introduce you to a term that is about to become ‘all the rage’, your faceprint, and it soon will replace your fingerprint as the primary means of identification. In Australia, a tech company called Genvis has struck it rich by supplying the government there with faceprint tools to track their citizens who have COVID. This has worked so wonderfully well during the pandemic that now this draconian technology is being rolled out to all citizens who want access to any government services.
Lab-cultured, GMO-laden fake “meat” is a toxic abomination to be avoided at all costs
(Natural News) It was never enough just to tamper with your produce and grains. The biotechnology industry is now setting its sights on replacing all meat with genetically engineered (GMO) impostors, too.
Beef, poultry, fish, and dairy products are all on the chopping block as the architects behind the Great Reset shift society away from real, nutritious food and straight into laboratory abominations from hell.
Using technologies like synthetic biology and precision fermentation, mad scientists are concocting cultured “meat” synthetics along with other cell-based and gene-edited parodies of real food.
Rachel Levine: “Gender-affirming care is life-saving, medically necessary, age-appropriate, and a critical tool for healthcare providers.”

High-capacity ammo magazines will be banned in Washington State beginning July 1st
Starting July 1, the sale of ammunition magazines with more than 10 rounds will be banned in Washington state. Importing, manufacturing, and distributing them will be outlawed, too.
According to Komo News, The only magazines allowed for sale and importing will be those with a maximum capacity of 10 cartridges under a measure pushed through by Democrats and signed by Gov. Jay Inslee earlier this year, the Everett Herald reported. Washington residents can continue buying larger magazines until the law takes effect. Any owned as of July 1 are unaffected by the law.
Extreme heat causing infrastructure damage across the US, Roads buckling and cracking
Extreme heat across the U.S. has caused roads in Minnesota and elsewhere to buckle. The Minnesota Department of Transportation tweeted to alert drivers of the issue. “Driver alert: extreme heat could cause pavement buckles across the state,” it wrote.
“If you see buckling on your route, try to avoid driving over it and call 911 to report it. Pavement buckles are emergencies and we fix them ASAP.” On its website, the department explained that pavement buckles occur when the air temperature changes from moderate to extreme heat.
One effect of last week's Supreme Court decision was establishing a requirement for "strict scrutiny" in 2nd Amendment cases, meaning the right is assumed unless the government demonstrates reasons to infringe it. There is no rational argument for limiting magazine size, certainly not for a magical 10 round limit. What bad things happen with 11 rounds that don't happen with 10? It's arbitrary and capricious, and won't withstand strict scrutiny. Litigation is already being prepared to overturn the Washington law, and similar mindless edicts in other states. These will be argued up to the Supreme Court and the precedent is clear that they won't stand. That some states will see a need to appeal it up to the high court demonstrates the seditious disrespect those states and their supporters have for our laws. The dems want war. They'll probably get it. They won't like it.
really appreciate that Pfizer-Facebook link, went and shared the article on Facebook 😉