Convoy Reports
Follow along on this page for carefully documented reports covering a trucker's freedom convoy taking place across Canada.
Despite the risk of supply chain disruptions, the federal government has implemented a vaccine mandate for cross-border truck drivers, and they are fighting back.

WOW! Trucker Convoy day two is rollin'!
BREAKING: Kenney declares food crisis, demands feds end the mandate
On Monday, Premier Jason Kenney declared that a food crisis is now impacting Albertans and demanded that the federal government immediately end the vaccine mandate for truckers.
"I'm getting pictures like this from grocery stores across Alberta this morning. This is turning into a crisis," Kenney writes in a Tweet. "It requires immediate action by the Canadian and US governments."

Oppressive COVID Measures for the Unvaccinated Were Based on ‘Software’ Error, Claims German Minister.
The “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was caused by a computer glitch. That was the conclusion of the Health Minister of Germany Karl Lauterbach, after months of vilifying the unvaccinated in the nation’s second largest city, Hamburg.
In November 2021, news outlets reported on the increasing “incident numbers” in the city – where the figure grew from 111.6 infected people per 100,000 to 160 per 100,000 in a span of few of days. By the end of November, that number shot up from 209.2 to a record of 223.3.
Now, an investigation from the Sueddeutscher Zeitung and Welt newspapers has foundthat the numbers in Hamburg’s Social Services departments were drastically skewed and, in most cases, they didn’t even know who was vaccinated and who was not. This, however, did not stop them classifying everyone with an unknown status as unvaccinated. Indeed, by the end of November, a whopping 70 percent of the positive cases had unknown status.
New York Governor's Mask Mandate Ruled Unconstitutional
A New York state Supreme Court judge on Monday ruled Gov. Kathy Hochul's mask mandate unconstitutional.
The governor, a Democrat, does not have the authority to impose the mandate, and the state Legislature would have to debate and approve any laws that require masks in schools and other places, Judge Thomas Rademaker wrote in his decision, WHEC reported.
''My responsibility as Governor is to protect New Yorkers throughout this public health crisis, and these measures help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and save lives,'' Hochul said in a written response to the ruling. ''We strongly disagree with this ruling, and we are pursuing every option to reverse this immediately.''
Mom: Teachers secretly convincing her daughter she's really a boy
Even instructed girl on how to bind her breasts to keep them from developing
A California mother has accused two teachers in her local school district of trying to manipulate her 11-year-old daughter into adopting a transgender lifestyle – and concealing their agenda from her, the mother.
The Mercury News explained that parent Jessica Konen has submitted a claim against the Spreckels Union School District, a required preliminary to a lawsuit.
What Are We Renouncing as Spiritual Human Beings by Embracing & Embodying Technology?
Mankind versus Homo sapien technus
Satan is attempting to get under your skin (flesh) using technology and PsyOps
Oneness with God or Satanic technologies
Corrupting all flesh by all means
Tainting man’s blood and origin
Shocking new insights on “transmission”
The New Humans here as the Old Humans are being depopulated.
Renouncing our faith and humanity through technology
For at that time there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be seen again. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. that time, if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There He is!’ do not believe it. Matthew 24
Do we really understand these verses of Jesus in the context of today? Humanity is about to totally forsake being created in the Divine Image, the breath of life, and many other gifts from God uniquely given to humanity. We need to understand what the flesh is, for as scripture says that if the time is not shortened no flesh is saved.
Where will you be when the nukes start falling on America?
(Natural News) The anti-human globalists knew their depopulation / extermination agenda couldn’t hold out forever. That’s why they were in a mad rush to achieve maximum clot shot injections before the awakening gained traction and people began to question the insanity of the entire scheme.
Last weekend’s rally in Washington D.C. was the turning point on all this. There were similar protests in over 170 countries around the world. The masses are awakening to the plandemic scam — and the vaccine death agenda — and time has run out for the globalists and their spike protein extermination scheme.
Hence, they are now preparing to unleash the next phase of this global war against humanity: World war.
UN Predicts Global Mass Starvation—Food Rationing Hits America—Food Shortages Explode!
Nuclear War Simulation Shows A War With Russia Would Leave The Northern Hemisphere 'Toasted' Within Hours, If Not Minutes, With At Least 90 Million People Dead Soon After War Begins
'A Strange Game, The Only Winning Move Is Not To Play'
With it looking more and more every day like Joe Biden and the globalists will get us into a war with Russia that we cannot possibly 'win', we've got to take a look within this ANP story at what such a war might look like in 2022 and why Americans must do everything in our power to stop such a war from ever happening.
While there are reports that any war over the Ukraine might be a 'limited war' that only takes place in that part of the world so far away from America that most Americans couldn't pick out the Ukraine on a map (a whopping 84%!!) if it was placed in front of their faces without the map being labeled, Joe Biden should remember that the Ukraine is on Russia's doorstep, and was long a part of that country.
So with one of the globalists talking head outlets, CNBC, recently putting out this story titled "Russia Is Risking 'ALL OUT WAR' To Prevent Ukraine From Joining NATO", we see that its the globalists who are pushing for such a war, not Russia, and as we see in the video we've embedded directly below titled simply 'Plan A', such a war would bring the entire Northern hemisphere immediate catastrophe.
Eric Clapton claims people who have had the Covid vaccine are victims of 'mass formation hypnosis'
Eric Clapton has claimed that anyone who has taken the Covid vaccine is a victim of 'mass formation hypnosis'.
The singer, 76, has previously claimed he suffered alarming side effects after his AstraZeneca jabs and released an anti-lockdown single, Stand And Deliver, with Van Morrison in 2020.
In a new interview for The Real Music Observer YouTube channel, Eric claimed that subliminal messaging hidden in advertising led people to get the jab.
Large, Peer-Reviewed Research Study Proves Ivermectin Works Against COVID-19
The results are in from the world’s largest study of ivermectin for COVID-19.
Researchers in Brazil found that regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and mortality rates.
The study was conducted in Itajaí, a port city in the state of Santa Catarina, between July and December 2020. Study authors include FLCCC physicians Dr. Flavio Cadegiani and Dr. Pierre Kory. Lead author Dr. Lucy Kerr was approached by the mayor of Itajaí, after the city began to experience a severe outbreak of COVID.
The entire population of Itajaí was invited to participate in the program, which involved a medical visit to compile baseline, personal, demographic, and medical information. In the absence of contraindications, ivermectin was offered as a preventative treatment, to be taken for two consecutive days every 15 days at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg/day.
The US Bombed A Vital Dam In Syria, Lied About It, & Called Anyone Who Reported The Truth "Crazy"
Many years too late, it appears The New York Times has suddenly discovered that the United States has been committing war crimes in Syria, coming long after it was clear Washington was pursuing regime change in Damascus. With Assad still in control of most of the country, US efforts have turned to far-reach sanctions of late, which have greatly increased the sufferings of common Syrians. Like with Bush's disastrous invasion of Iraq before, the Times was the foremost cheerleader for that war, laundering Pentagon and admin propaganda, and only many years later admitting the truth that it was all based on lies... so now it seems to be going with Syria.
Proposed bill aims to remove important exemption from vaccine mandate
New legislation proposed in California would prevent parents from invoking personal beliefs as a reason to not vaccinate their children against Covid-19
State Senator Richard Pan introduced the ‘Keep Schools Open and Safe’ Act on Monday, which would nix exemptions from Covid vaccination based on personal beliefs.
Pan, a pediatrician who represents an area in Sacramento, said the pandemic has caused “disruption, anxiety, and trauma” for families in the state, and this legislation would bring “confidence and certainty” to them.
Massive US troop deployment plans revealed – media
President Joe Biden is considering airdropping soldiers and equipment to the Russian border
US President Joe Biden is considering deploying troops, aircraft, and warships to the Baltics and Eastern Europe as a means to deter Russia from invading Ukraine, The New York Times has reported.
Citing anonymous sources, the newspaper claims the White House is currently mulling over plans to deploy between 1,000 and 5,000 troops, with the potential to increase this number tenfold if the situation deteriorates. The options were reportedly presented to the president by the US Department of Defense on Saturday, at a meeting at Camp David, and it is alleged that Biden could make a decision this week.
Israel planning mass Jewish evacuation from Ukraine – media
Israel is said to be contemplating a mass airlift of those eligible for Israeli citizenship in the case of a Russian invasion
Top officials in Israel are said to be preparing for a scenario in which will they fly out tens of thousands of Jewish people from Ukraine in the event of a Russian invasion, a top local newspaper has reported amid persistent Western speculation that Moscow could be planning an all-out offensive.
In a report on Sunday, Haaretz claimed that representatives from several government offices had met over the weekend to discuss the risk of the Jewish community in the Eastern European nation potentially being caught up in a conflict.
Market Crash Coming Or Can We Hold A Little Longer?
What would our country look like if an epic market crash suddenly wiped out 35 trillion dollars in financial wealth? You may not want to think about something so horrible, but we are being warned that it could soon happen. Stock prices have been falling for three weeks in a row, and last week was the worst week for U.S. stocks in a really, really long time.
The S&P 500 is now down more than 8 percent from the peak of the market, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq is already in correction territory. At this point, the Nasdaq is off to its worst beginning to a year in decades, and many are extremely concerned about what is coming next. In fact, Bank of America is warning that all hell breaks loose if the Nasdaq closes below 14,000.
Hopefully that won't happen this week.
But it might.
600 Austrian Police Demand Govt To Cancel Tyrannical Mandate
600 Austrian law enforcement officers have written to the Austrian Interior Minister, requesting that proposals for forced vaxing be withdrawn and that prejudice against the unvaxed be ended.
The letter, written on January 10, was signed by three law enforcement personnel who purport to representing nearly 600 of their coworkers and was written to Austrian Interior Minister Gerhard Karner.
“We do not want to face the population in a threatening manner during what are predominantly peaceful demonstrations which were organized due to the increasing dissatisfaction of the people with politicians,” wrote the authors of the letter.
Numerous protests were held around Austria last weekend, which would include Vienna, wherein approximately 20,000 protesters came to the streets on Saturday to denounce proposals to declare jabs mandatory for all citizens over the age of 18.
Farming insider warns of coming food shortages far worse than what we are being told
The information that I am about to share with you is extremely alarming, but I have always endeavored to never sugarcoat things for my readers. Right now, there are shortages of certain items in grocery stores across the United States, and food supplies have gotten very tight all over the globe.
I have repeatedly warned that this is just the beginning, but I didn’t realize how dire things have already gotten until I received an email from a farming insider that I have corresponded with over the years. I asked him if I could publicly share some of the information that he was sharing with me, and he said that would be okay as long as I kept his name out of it. According to this farming insider, dramatically increased costs for fertilizer will make it impossible for many farmers to profitably plant corn this year.
The following is an excerpt from an email that he recently sent me… “Things for 2022 are interesting (and scary). Input costs for things like fertilizer, liquid nitrogen, and seeds are like triple and quadruple the old prices. It will not be profitable to plant this year. Let me repeat, the economics will NOT work.
Thanks for the news! ❤️
Great summary of news. Thanks!