British mercenaries in Ukraine face dath penalty
A criminal case against the foreign fighters has been sent to court
Three suspected mercenaries from Britain and Morocco, who joined the Ukrainian military and were later captured by the forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), could be facing the death penalty there, the republic’s General Prosecutor’s Office said on Friday.
Viktor Gavrilov, the judiciary spokesman, revealed that an investigation into the activities of “a group of foreign mercenaries” who allegedly “took part in the preparation and implementation of hostilities against the DPR,” had been completed and a criminal case had been “fully formed.”
“The materials of the case have been transferred to one of the republic’s courts for consideration which could result, taking wartime into account, in the application of capital punishment – the death penalty – to the accused,” Gavrilov told journalists
Ukraine risks merging with Poland – former president
The country is facing a “complete destruction” of its sovereignty amid the conflict with Russia, Viktor Yanukovych warned
Ukraine is facing a complete loss of its sovereignty and, potentially, a merger with Poland, former President Viktor Yanukovych has warned. The ex-president, who was ousted in the 2014 Maidan coup, released an extensive address on Friday in which he shared his thoughts about the roots of the ongoing turmoil and the potential fate of the country.
The current role of Ukraine as an instrument against Russia was outlined by the collective West long before the conflict between Moscow and Kiev broke out in late February, the ex-president believes.
Russia fast-tracks CBDC: Digital ruble to be used in "real operations" in 2023
The introduction of a trackable digital currency has been prioritized due to sanctions
German Regulator Warns of Possible Power Shortages as Storage Facilities Understocked
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Germany could face gas shortages in the event of a decrease in gas supplies or a complete ban on imports from Russia since the country's storage facilities are still insufficiently stocked, German Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) head Klaus Muller said Friday.
Muller told German radio Deutschlandfunk that the current gas storage levels are "not good enough" despite the fact that they are higher compared to previous years. He also called Germany's decision to procure two floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals a good interim solution, adding that it is necessary to ensure energy security at the moment disregarding that LNG is less environmentally-friendly.
"In this sense, one always has to choose the lesser of two evils," Muller said.
Bankrupt Sri Lanka Takes Russian Crude As Fuel Crisis Depletes Stocks, Mulls Loan From China
A foreign exchange shortage has resulted in the worst financial crisis Sri Lanka has ever endured, with shortages of everything from food to crude. Fuel supplies are down to just days, food has run out at supermarkets, and social-economic chaos has unfolded across the island country in South Asia.
However, there's short-term hope, and somehow the bankrupt country found enough money to pay for a shipment of Russian crude.
Bloomberg said Ceylon Petroleum Corp., the country's only refinery, is set to take shipment of Russian grade Siberian Light on May 28. It will be the first time the refinery has processed crude to produce high-value products such as gasoline and diesel in two months.
Our overlords say inflation and energy shortages are “worth it”
Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.
Bank CEO: Inflation and Energy Shortages are “Worth It”
Kjerstin Braathen, CEO of Norway’s largest financial services group, spoke on a panel at the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland.
Speaking about how the global transition to clean energy would affect small and medium-sized businesses, Braathen said:
“There will be some pain in the process. The pace that we need will open up for missteps. It will open up for shortages of energy, it will create inflationary pressures. And maybe we need to start talking about that, that that pain is actually worth it.”
With America Showing All The Signs Of An Empire In Its' Last Stages Of Existence, With Absolute Chaos And Ominous Doom Awaiting Us, Our 'Enemies Within' Are Ushering In 'The End'
America has become a land where the powerful men and women in Washington DC send money to foreign countries, but have no money left for their own people. A society now staring at out of control gas prices, with no end in sight. A country with an American president about to hand over US sovereignty to a bunch of unelected bureaucrats at the WHO? A nation where corrupt and soulless low IQ congress people have the audacity to lecture all of us about virtue and "science."
America LAST: US Senate REJECTS $48 Billion Aid Package For Small Businesses and Restaurants Just Hours After Approving ANOTHER $40 Billion for Ukraine – 34 RINOs Voted Yes for Ukraine and No for Americans

Is the housing boom about to bust? Sellers are slashing prices at levels not seen since before the pandemic amid rapidly cooling market as hedge fund manager of The Big Short fame warns 'It's like watching a plane crash'
America's red hot housing market is cooling down fast sparking fears of a housing bust and crippling recession as nearly half of home sale prices are slashed in some areas.
After two years of buyers battling paying tens of thousands - or sometimes hundreds of thousands - over asking price to secure homes as millions fled the cities in favor of the suburbs during the pandemic, it appears the boom in over.
An increase in mortgage rates, rising house prices and uncertainty around Joe Biden's economy as inflation soars, are contributing factors to the slowdown, according to experts.
Massive Data Hack Reveals Thousands of Photos from China’s Uyghur Concentration Camps
A huge trove of documents and photographs from police in Xinjiang province, obtained by hackers and released in an extensively vetted report on Tuesday, offers further documentation of the Chinese Communist Party’s horrific human rights abuses.
The trove, collectively referred to as the Xinjiang Police Files, was originally obtained in 2018 by hackers and provided to Dr. Adrian Zenz of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC).
Soros Promoting World War III – Let’s Go!
he pieces are starting to come together in this grand plot to fulfill George Soros’ dream – One World Government. After Soros’ speech at Davos, there are a lot of people of all faiths flocking to a Catholic Church to light a candle and pray for the rapid death of this cantankerous ‘old codger’ who seems to want to take the world into World War III and perhaps like some Egyptian Pharaoh, take as many people with him into the here-after. I wish I could say that Soros is just crazy. But I do not believe that is the case. He has harbored a dream of a One-World Government forever perhaps growing up in communism.
Imagine the Compliance – Microchips are Coming
The self-proclaimed elites have gathered in Switzerland at the World Economic Forum (WEF). One of the newest ideas is a microchip in pill form. No, this is not a conspiracy theory. The president of Pfizer spoke publicly about a pill that would dissolve in the stomach and send an immediate signal to all storing your data that you complied and took the pill. “Imagine the implications of that – the compliance!” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla daydreamed.
Biden Admin: K-12 Schools Must Put Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms To Get Federal Lunch Money
K-12 schools must allow boys into girls’ private areas to obtain federal funds for lunches, breakfasts, and snacks, the Biden administration announced this month. A U.S. Department of Education spokesman told The Federalist the Biden administration’s press releases from several agencies announcing this policy will be followed by formal rulemaking in June.
“It seems to be playing politics with feeding poor kids, which is really unfortunate,” John Elcesser, executive director of the Indiana Non-Public Education Association, said via phone amid weeks of attempting to sort out these new demands with government officials on behalf of private schools in his state.
Doctor gave Covid-19 shot to hundreds of kids as young as six months old
A Toronto doctor is facing no professional discipline after admitting to givingthe Covid-19 vaccine to at least 500 kids as young as six months old, despite the shot not being approved for children under the age of five.
According to the Toronto Star, Dr. Christopher Sun from Weston-Mount Dennis stands by his decision and claims he did it “to protect children.”

UK Covid Vaccine Claims Could Hit £110m; Hundreds of Seriously Injured and Families of Deceased File Compensation Applications
Up to 920 compensation applications have been filed by people who were left seriously injured after getting the Covid-19 vaccine as claims could hit £110million.
The Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS) allows people who are allegedly severely disabled due to a vaccination to claim a one-off tax-free payment of £120,000.
Family members of someone who has died after becoming disabled because of what they claim is the vaccination are also eligible to apply for the fixed payout.
It has emerged that the bill paid to those left with life-changing injuries from the Covid-19 vaccine or the families of those who died after getting the jab could top £110million, The Times reported.
DARKER THINGS Haunting new claims about ‘child mind control experiments’ at real life Stranger Things base revealed by filmmaker
The former Cold War radar station in Montauk, New York state, has been the subject of rumours and conspiracy theories since it shut in the 1980s - with locals hearing stories about government scientists drugging and experimenting on snatched foster kids, time travel and even contact with aliens.
The documentary maker, who has made shows for the History Channel on the topic, says he found geophysical proof that the base houses a huge underground structure - despite denials from officials of its existence.
And in horrifying claims, Garetano said that up to 100,000 children may have been kidnapped for the secret mind control experiments at the underground facility.
Sen. Rick Scott Indroduces Bill To Stop WHO’s ‘Dangerous Globalist Overreach’
Calling the World Health Organization’s (WHO) proposed pandemic treaty another instance of “dangerous globalist overreach”, Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) has introduced legislation to limit the powers of the UN health agency.
Scott said he wants to ensure that public health matters are handled by the US and not “puppets” for Communist China.
Breitbart reports: The National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman introduced S.4305 — or a “bill to limit the authority of the World Health Organization on the United States and to oppose amendments to the WHO Constitution that have not been approved by Congress.” Ultimately, the bill would ensure that the W.H.O. would not be able to “unilaterally impose public health restrictions on the United States and violate America’s national sovereignty,” according to the senator’s press release.
The Catastrophic Consequences of Covid 'Vaccine' Diktats (Exclusive Interview)
Is Canada purposely trying to destroy independent thinkers like restaurateur Jesse Johnson?
Former (and we hope future) Canadian restaurateur Jesse Johnson talks to the RAIR Foundation about how the vaccine mandates destroyed his business, livelihood, and life. But he is not about to give in to tyranny.
Germany Prosecutes Christian Pastor For Biblical Stance on Homosexuality (Video)
“While today this is about a view found in the Bible, tomorrow it will be about any other opinion.”
Evangelical Pastor Olaf Latzel has been acquitted of hate speech against homosexuals by a German court after they had previously found him guilty in 2020. The charges stem from statements the 54-year-old conservative pastor of the Bremen St. Martini congregation made during a November 2019 marriage seminar at his Church. A video of the seminar was posted months later on his Youtube channel and then deleted. The LGBTQ community accused him of sedition for speaking God’s word.
It’s exploding hard around the world! M7.2 earthquake hits Peru, followed by M6.2 in Timor Leste, M6.4 off Loyalty Islands and M6.2 on the Southern East Pacific Rise in just 24 hours
Lots of energy is currently being released through strong quakes around the world (mostly on the Pacific side of the globe)…
Within the last 24 hours, a M7.2 earthquake hit Peru on May 26th at 12:02 UTC, followed by 3 strong quakes that jolted Loyalty Islands (M6.4; 15:38 UTC), the Southern East Pacific Rise (M6.2; 18:10 UTC) on May 26th and Timor Leste (M6.2; 2:36 UTC) on May 27th.
Woman saved by Jesus shares how she was forced into Satanism as a little girl, Describes seeing demons and tormented
It’s a deeply disturbing story about the darkest type of evil, but Patricia was only a kindergarten-aged girl when she was forced into a Satanic cult.
CBN News reported that starting from when she was a little child, she was tortured and tormented, all in the name of the Devil himself. Now, decades after enduring this living nightmare, she’s breaking her silence.
“The people you trust the most who are supposed to take care of you and protect you from harm actually did the harm,” she recalls. When Patricia was five years old she says she was initiated into this secret, satanic cult through a series of sick and abusive rituals.
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I never used the bathrooms in my highschool anyway, they all smelled like cigarrette smoke. Luckily there was a bathroom in the band room that was ok or I would have exploded I guess.
Stock up on everything essential. Be prepared.