Kenney to scrap vaccine passport program at midnight
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney announced today that effective midnight tonight, the vaccine passport program will be terminated in Alberta.
The move comes slower than some would have liked, but earlier than any other jurisdiction in Canada.
This means that Alberta’s government will restore the rights that it confiscated from unvaccinated Albertans before even Saskatchewan, which announced its reopening plan this week.
Kenney has been careful to not make it seem like his government is responding to the Coutts border blockade, however, it is hard to ignore how conveniently timed this policy reversal is.
BREAKING: Coutts border blocked again after Premier Kenney's announcement
Despite the removal of the province's vaccine passport policy, the truckers gathered at the Coutts, Alberta to Sweetgrass, Montana border crossing are demanding all restrictions be removed.
Rebel News' Kian Simone is reporting that the Coutts, Alberta border crossing is blockaded yet again following Premier Jason Kenney's announcement of a three-step reopening plan tonight.

Trudeau Liberal Minister who imposed vaccine mandates to truckers is now looking to lay heavy fines to protestors on Parliament that will have: "serious financial consequences"

Covid camps coming to Yukon

Pfizer Quietly Adds Language Warning That 'Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data' May Impact Business
Two weeks ago, the FDA begged a Texas judge to delay production on the first monthly batch of 55,000 pages of Covid-19 vaccine data submitted to the agency by Pfizer. Originally, the agency was set to produce just 500 pages-per-month.
Now, Pfizer - which just forecast $54 billion in Covid-related sales in 2022, appears to be anticipating some bad news, as evidenced by several redline changes in their Q4 earnings releases.
As Rubicon Capital's Kelly Brown notes on Twitter, the changes center around disclosures of unfavorable safety data.
For example, in Q4 they added: "or further information regarding the quality of pre-clinical, clinical or safety data, including by audit or inspection."
Life Insurance Company Refuses to Pay Out Life Insurance Policy Because Death Was From Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
According to the lawyer for the family, Carlo Alberto Brusa, pictured below, a life insurance company has refused to pay out on a life insurance policy for a person who died from a COVID-19 vaccine injection. The insurance company justified the refusal to pay on the policy because COVID-19 vaccines are considered an experimental medication or treatment.
The insurance company explained that the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine were published, and the insured party should have known that taking part in a dangerous medical experiment could have resulted in his death. The insurance company likened his death to suicide. Life insurance policies have a standard provision that excludes suicide as a covered death.
US Navy F-35 crash: Was it vaccine related?
Mad Science: Researchers Now Putting COVID mRNA Vaccines Into Vegetables To Vaccinate The Unvaccinated
Researchers are now experimenting with the idea of placing mRNA vaccines in lettuce and other agricultural crops, reports say.
The National Science Foundation is funding this study, having committed more than half a million dollars in grant for the mRna-in-lettuce initiative, NOQ Report revealed.
"This project aims to enable rapid manufacturing of oral vaccines against viruses in plants without the need of specialized equipment or skills. Current vaccine manufacturing technologies need expensive laboratory facilities and cold-chain delivery systems that result in slow and unequal access of vaccines to people," reads the study's abstract in part.
Chickens keep coming home to roost as 5 more young doctors die unexpectedly, including another one in a private plane crash
Big pharma flunkies in white coats are the most vital assets to the entire COVID-19 and “vaccine” agenda. This group shepherds the masses of lambs to their slaughters in exchange for monetary compensation. Doctors and other healthcare professionals not only have front-row seats to the millions of post-injection deaths and maimings, but also have greater access to medical journals and scientific studies than everyone else. Yet for some reason, if you believe the statistics, 96% of U.S. doctors have received the lethal injections. And it’s believable based on the real-life, real-time results.
Doctors tend to live longer than people in other professions, according to a 2000 study in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine. The gap would be even wider if doctors weren’t so suicide-prone. A 2005 study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that U.S. male doctors have a 40% higher suicide rate than the general population. Female U.S. doctors have a 130% higher suicide rate than the general population. About 300 doctors commit suicide every year in the U.S., according to the Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association.
War In Northern Syria Is Gaining Momentum
As of February 6, Turkish forces and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continue to exchange fire in Syria’s northern and northeastern regions, further destabilizing the situation in the war-torn country.
The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) was drawn into the stand-off between the two sides on February 4 when three of its service members were wounded as a result of a series of Turkish artillery strikes that targeted the SDF-held towns of Mara’naz, Shawargha and al-Irshadiyah in the northern countryside of Aleppo.
The SAA responded on the same day by targeting a vehicle of the Turkish-backed Mu’tasim Division near the town of Marea in the northern Aleppo countryside with an anti-tank guided missile. One militant was killed and two others were wounded as a result of the strike.
Russia Deploys Nuclear "Kinzhal" Missiles on Fighter Jets to Kaliningrad
After a very tense and, by most accounts, failed, meeting between French President Macron and Russian President Putin, Russia began deploying MiG-31K fighter jets ARMED WITH NUCLEAR KINZHAL MISSILES, to Kaliningrad. Those planes and those missiles are NOT routinely stationed there.
With tensions between NATO and Russia hitting all-time highs over the Ukraine situation, French President Emanuel Macron met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow today. By all accounts, the meeting was extremely tense and ended with almost ZERO good results.
At issue is Ukraine and it's stated intention to join NATO, thereby allowing US missile "defenses" to be placed on Ukraine soil.
If Ukraine enters NATO, the very first order of business is to place US missile defenses on Ukraine soil. Ukraine said it, the U.S. said it, NATO said it.
Deadly Secrets Are Being Hidden From The American Public About Our Achilles Heel And A Forthcoming Supply Chain Nightmare: We Are Funding Our Enemies While Hastening Our Own Destruction
Dirty Prescription Drugs Keep Flowing In From China, Unregulated By The FDA
While the Biden administration keeps poking the Russian bear about Ukraine. And Russia and China are teamed up together (in spite of some differences in objectives). Therefore, if we wind up confronting Russia over Ukraine, I would expect China to help Russia. And they could do that by cutting off our supply of medicine.
Professor David Jacobsen is an expert on China. He teaches at the Cox School of Business at the Southern Methodist University. According to Professor Jacobsen, the United States has given China the control of our pharmaceuticals. He said,
“China controls almost 100% of the generic medications that are prescribed in the United States.”
Pharmacist Donna Barsky says that people talk about buying drugs from Canada. However, those drugs originate in China and India. She said,
“We all get the same products from the same place, it’s just how it’s packaged: and it’s all coming from China.”
Austrians Being Stopped Randomly By Authorities And Forced To Prove They Are Vaccinated
After Austria became the first European country to mandate COVID vaccinesfor the ENTIRETY of its population, details have emerged on how the government plans to enforce the measure.
Reports note that citizens will be stopped randomly in the street and pulled over in their vehicles and forced to comply with vaccine status checks by the ‘authorities.’
If, heaven forbid, a person is found to be unvaccinated they will be fined on the spot, with the penalty increasing for each violation.

Athletes Are ‘Crying Like Crazy’ In China’s ‘Hellish’ Quarantine – Just One Athlete Unmasked During Opening Ceremony
Athletes competing in the 2022 Winter Olympics in China are being held hostage in the communist country’s isolation camps as Beijing takes measures to hold a virus-free event.
Competitors must test for Covid daily and “anyone who tests positive is dragged off to isolation” where they are subject to dire conditions, Daily Mail reports.
“There are currently 387 people from the athletes’ bubble in Covid isolation in China, though this also includes members of their teams and press. The exact number of competitors in solitary is not clear but is thought to be in the dozens,” the publication notes.
Report: COVID vaccines inflicting far more deaths than previously thought: “Could be looking at hundreds of thousands more dead”
(Natural News) A stunning new report claims that COVID-19 vaccines are causing a lot more harm and many more deaths than previously known, and could eventually be responsible for “hundreds of thousands more dead.”
“The number of Americans who have suffered serious side effects or died after receiving the mRNA injection billed as a ‘vaccine’ is exploding,” the RAIR Foundation’s Amy Mek reported last week.
“Furthermore, injected people seem to be much worse off than those who refuse the experimental jab. Yet, despite the ‘vaccine’ and ‘boosters’ not protecting people from COVID, and increasing the chances of infection from Omicron, left-wing governments worldwide continue to pressure and mandate citizens to receive them,” she continued.
Many are saying that something BIG is coming in 2022 in regards to UFO’s
Last year was a breakthrough time for UFOs, as a landmark government report prompted the possibility of extraterrestrial visitors to finally be taken seriously by everyone from senators, to a former president, to the Pentagon.
But 2022 could be even more profound, experts say, as the clamor for UFO disclosure and discovery continues to grow, and as new scientific projects bring us closer than ever to – potentially – discovering non-Earth life. A camper with alien and American flags at a desert event in Nevada in 2019.
60 Minutes interviewed a number of credible witnesses about ‘unidentified aerial phenomena. In June, the Pentagon released a highly anticipated report on unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP), the now preferred nomenclature by some in the extraterrestrial community, which found more than 140 instances of UAPs that could not be explained.
The world is going out-of-control! Get ready NOW!
Brian Denison Address To Police Officers Freedom Convoy Feb.8, 2022
Police Officers everywhere, please listen to Brian Denison. Denison was the first Canadian Police Officer (Calgary Police Services) to speak publicly about the illegal mandates.
Thank you for an important compilation of information. Re: the article from France, I have been expecting to see Insurance Company rejection of Death Benefits to those who were injected with the experimental poison, and now it is here. I continue in prayer for our Lord's intercession...He is the Way, the Truth to our freedom.