BREAKING: Ford calls for end of 'illegal occupation and blockade' at Ambassador Bridge
Ontario Premier Doug Ford called for an end to the "illegal occupation and blockade happening in Ontario," as the Ambassador Bridge remains blocked by protestors.
"The ongoing illegal occupation and blockade happening in Ontario must stop. The Ambassador Bridge is one of the most vital trade corridors in our country. The damage this is causing to our economy, to people's jobs and their livelihoods is totally unacceptable. We cannot let this continue.
Ambassador Bridge protest: Detroit to Windsor off-ramp blocked!
How long will this off-ramp blockade be tolerated by the authorities?
As Justin Trudeau and his useful idiots in the mainstream media continue to vilify and demonize the Freedom Convoy truckers and their supporters in Ottawa, the line is being held. Indeed, other trucker demonstrations are now popping up all over our great dominion.
From Toronto and Quebec City to Alberta, truckers have assembled, demanding an end to the myriad useless COVID-19 lockdown mandates that are making all our lives miserable.
The latest trucker protest is now taking place in Windsor, Ont.
On Monday evening, truckers parked their big rigs on the Ambassador Bridge, eventually forcing an entire bridge closure. Several hours later, the trucks moved off the bridge, but some of the 18-wheelers and several cars, pickup trucks and campers blockaded the offramp to Windsor.
Premier Jason Kenney says after just announcing the removal of vaccine passports that he’ll bring them back if: “we redefine full vaccination as having three shots”.

BREAKING: The Emerson MB/Pembina ND has been shut down until all mandates end

HAPPENING NOW: New Zealand police are trying to ARREST their way out of a growing rebellion.

Department Of Homeland Security Seeks To Thwart American Freedom Convoy
Russian Truckers Are Organizing A Freedom Convoy
Canada’s Freedom Convoy has reached Russia. The Association of Carriers of Russia (OPR) is organizing its own convoy:
Russia’s Free Press has the details:
The Association of Carriers of Russia (OPR) intends to support its colleagues from Canada, who organized a “Freedom Convoy”.
The demands of truckers and all those who sympathize with them are shared by the overwhelming majority of citizens of the Russian Federation. Most likely, the protests will begin when the weather warms up, and they can become the catalyst that will shake up our society. The patience of the people is at its limit…
“If a sufficient number of people gather, then no police will be able to counteract this. It all depends on people—how ready they are,” says Sergey Vladimirov, head of the OPR.
It is necessary to defend ourselves, otherwise we will indeed be driven into slavery. Free roads are being taken away from Russians, the Plato tariff [a system for collecting tolls for trucks on federal highways] is growing higher than inflation, they are playing tricks on toll roads, fuel is becoming more expensive at a cosmic pace.
If you do not push back against this, then soon you will have to pay for the very opportunity to breathe.
And that’s just the road problems. The rise in food prices in our country is even greater than in Europe and overseas, this topic will also inevitably come up. And not just this…
Not now, Lassa fever! England records two cases of Ebola-like virus that can cause vaginal bleeding and comas among family returning from West Africa
Two cases of Lassa fever have been detected in Britain among people who recently returned from West Africa.
Health officials revealed the infected patients are members of the same family, who live in the East of England.
They are among only 10 cases of the rodent-borne disease ever detected in the UK — and the first since 2009.
A third relative is suspected of having the Ebola-like disease, which kills around one in 100 people, but is awaiting confirmatory tests.
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) stressed there was no evidence of onward transmission among any of the cases.
Australia’s new Digital Identity system would give tyrannical politicians ‘total control’
Australia’s federal and state politicians and bureaucracies have revealed beyond any reasonable doubt that they are willing to attack citizens’ rights when it suits their purposes.
CANBERRA (LifeSiteNews) — It sounds bland enough. According to the Australian federal government, the proposed bill to have a Digital Identity system, which is to apply to everyone, is necessary because “effective governance of the system is essential to the efficient operation of, and instilling public trust and confidence in, the system.”
Problem is, the Australian government has lost all credibility. Over the last two years of the “pandemic,” Australian governments have shown that they cannot be trusted even to protect fundamental democratic institutions, basic human rights – especially the right to health privacy – and the independent rule of law.
There Will Be No Winners: Latest Efforts To Preserve Peace In Europe
These days, major European actors have a chance to make a good step towards a detente in Europe or plunge the region into war.
France, Germany, and Russia are trying to find common ground and avoid the outbreak of hostilities. The United States and Great Britain are striving to pursue their own warmongering agenda, without risking bloodshed within their own territories.
While French President Emmanuel Macron headed to Moscow for a meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz held talks with US President Joseph Biden.
Russia not obliged to solve EU’s gas problem – Moscow
Gazprom is not contractually bound to increase its gas supply to Europe, Russia’s envoy to the EU has said
Russian energy company Gazprom is fulfilling its contracts and is under no obligation to increase supplies of natural gas to the EU, despite some politicians in Brussels accusing Moscow of using its exports as a weapon, Russia’s permanent representative to the bloc stated on Wednesday.
Speaking to Moscow news agency RIA Novosti, Vladimir Chizhov explained that, since gas prices are on the rise, Gazprom’s European customers do not want to commit to buying more gas. If there is no demand, there will be no supply, he said.
Mandatory Vaccination Via The Back Door
There has been a lot of fanfare about the recent decision to abandon mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for National Health Service (NHS) staff in England. However, the pressure is still on.
The welcome U-turn was announced on January 31st when Sajid Javid (the health secretary) said that whilst looking at the risks and opportunities of the vaccination as a condition of deployment policy, there were two new factors to consider. Firstly, the population as a whole is better protected against hospitalization and secondly, Omicron is intrinsically less severe.
He then concluded that while vaccination remains our very best line of defense, he no longer believes it is proportionate to require vaccination through statute.
Fed Refuses To Release 60 Pages Of Correspondence On Pandemic Trades Scandal
Having cost the jobs of three top Fed officials, including the Dallas and Boston Fed presidents as well as that of Vice Chair Clarida, one would think that matters relating to (potentially extremely lucrative) insider trading by members of the Federal Reserve should be fully in the public domain. One would be wrong.
In response to a Reuters Freedom of Information Act, the Fed said that there are about 60 pages of correspondence between its ethics officials and policymakers regarding financial transactions conducted during the pandemic year 2020 which have become an extremely sore spot for the Fed, with members of Congress demanding full transparency as to who knew and did what, when.
EXCLUSIVE – Official US Government data reveals the Covid-19 Vaccines are over 49 times deadlier than the Flu Vaccines per No. of doses administered
n investigation of official US Government data comparing the number of doses administered to the number of adverse events officially reported, has found that the Covid-19 injections are at least 49 times deadlier than the Influenza vaccines.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) hosted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) contains historical data on adverse reactions reported against every vaccine that has been administered in the United States of America.
A quick search of the CDC VAERS database on the number of adverse events reported against the Covid-19 injections since they were first rolled out in the USA, reveals that between December 2020 and 28th Jan 2022, a total of 743,179 adverse event reports were made in just 1 year and 2 months.
Johns Hopkins U Confirms You Can Be Vaccinated with a PCR Swab Test Without Knowing
Journalist John O’Sullivan warned that the massive PCR testing campaign could be a WHO vaccination program in disguise. He was referring to a new technology developed at Johns Hopkins University that developed tiny, star-shaped micro-devices called ‘Theragrippers’ that attach to the intestinal mucosa and can deliver drugs into the body.
The devices are made of metal and a thin film that changes shape and are as small as a dust particle. According to Johns Hopkins University, Theragrippers are administered with a cotton swab, similar to PCR tests. In October 2020, a Johns Hopkins University research team published positive results from an animal study confirming that the new technology works flawlessly.
James Corbett: Biosecurity is the New Governance Paradigm for the Planet
James Corbett discusses where his head is at after all these years of doing what he’s been doing and what’s most pressing on his mind at the moment. He agrees that the COVID1984 biosecurity state is one of the central problems facing humanity today. The Digital ID system is being implemented in the very near-term and will then be forwarded through social credit scores and CBDCs.
James warns against hopium and that although we’ve won some battles, we are not winning the war. He discusses how he views the elite global power structure and their visions of the future such as eugenics, transhumanism, and technocracy. He gives his thoughts on the prospects of future war, how to think about deep politics, as well as solutions.
SpaceX Satellites Launched Last Week Fall from Orbit and Burn
Hundreds of thousands of broadband satellites have been and continue to be approved to blast biologically and environmentally harmful Wi-Fi and 5G at Earth despite lawsuits (see 1, 2, 3), other legal efforts (see 1, 2, 3), near-miss collisions (see 1, 2, 3), worldwide opposition, and warnings about various catastrophic issues associated with them (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.) In fact, insurance companies are reportedly less willing to insure satellites due to collision risks.
Right Now There Are Shortages Of 116 Different Pharmaceutical Drugs In The United States
Global supplies of pharmaceutical drugs are getting tighter and tighter, and this has very serious implications for 2022 and beyond. If you depend upon a certain pharmaceutical drug in order to stay alive, I would recommend doing whatever you can to make sure that you have as much of that drug stockpiled as possible, because a day may come when you are unable to get any more for an extended period of time.
Much of our drug production has been outsourced to China, and our relations with China are not going so well right now. In fact, the moment that China invades Taiwan we are going to have a major league national crisis on our hands. Let me try to explain this one step at a time.
J&J Tried To Worm Its Way Out Of Paying $3.5BN To Victims Of Cancer-Causing Baby Talc By Forming A New Company And Declaring BANKRUPTCY And Then Tried To GAG Journalists From Reporting It
Johnson & Johnson created a plan last year to limit the financial bleeding from billions of dollars in jury awards to plaintiffs who alleged the company's Baby Powder and other talc products caused deadly cancers.
The healthcare and consumer-goods giant assigned more than 30 staffers to 'Project Plato.' In a memo on the project in July, a company lawyer warned the team: Tell no one, not even your spouse.
'It is critical that any activities related to Project Plato, including the mere fact the project exists, be kept in strict confidence,' Chris Andrew, a J&J lawyer, wrote in an internal memo reviewed by Reuters.
The covert team would go on to evaluate a strategy to shift all the liability from about 38,000 pending talc cases onto a newly created subsidiary, which would immediately declare bankruptcy.
Thank you for your work.
The trucker convoy needs to get satellite phones as the government will soon be blocking their cellular access. We all need to get satellite phones as backups. They won’t let able to track us if we do this.