Toronto sees massive Freedom Convoy protest packing city's downtown
The urban hub is on its second weekend of huge demonstrations for the Freedom Convoy, this time attracting counter-protesters and some unsubstantiated rumours in the press.
As the Freedom Convoy moves loudly into its second week, cities across Canada are once again seeing large protests and demonstrations in support of the convoy.
Toronto is one of these places, with massive events and also a strong city and police response.
Our Rebels Tamara Ugolini, Efron Monsanto and “Mr. Producer” AD are on the scene this weekend covering the events.
After Ottawa released a warning this week about a heavy police presence and potential army involvement at any upcoming protests, Toronto Mayor John Tory also announced plans to prepare for a weekend of demonstrations.

Happening Now in Winnipeg

A message to Justin Trudeau by a protester at Coutts, Alberta blockade: “We are united. This is not a white supremacist group. We are not a small fringe minority.”

Festival vibes today at Vancouver’s freedom Convoy.
BREAKING: Pierre Poilievre announces he's running for Conservative leader
Video: Driver Slams into Canadian Trucker Protest, Injuring at Least 3, After Left-Wingers Promised Weekend Counter Demonstrations
At least three people have been injured in Winnipeg, Canada after the driver of a white SUV appeared to deliberately slam into members of the nation’s massive Freedom Convoy, which is being led by truck drivers as they protest the far-left Trudeau regime’s continued COVID lockdowns, plus mask and jab mandates.
The apparent attack came in the middle of the night after left-wingers vowed to spend the weekend countering anti-lockdown demonstrators, with some online encouraging the use of violence. Video footage that captured the moment the apparent attack took place appears to show the yet-to-be-identified driver deliberately swerving the white SUV towards bystanders in an effort to hit as many people as possible.
White Coat Mafia Tyranny – Dr. Betsy Eads
Dr. Elizabeth Eads is on the frontline of medicine, treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines.” Dr. Eads is back to update us on what she calls a “genocide.”
Dr. Eads continues to say the CV19 injections are not vaccines. They are “bioweapons” being administered by evil medical professionals. Dr. Eads explains, “We are in a complete ‘White Coat Mafia’ tyranny right now. This is a depopulation agenda. Whether people want to believe it or not, this is the New World Order. This is the 13 bloodline families.
This is Vanguard and Black Rock, who own everything, including all of Big Pharma and all of the companies that own the CDC. They own everything. This is their agenda to depopulate and control people with these vaccines. We know we are being injected with nano and AI, and they want to turn us into trans-human figures that they can control.”
Man is injured in a car accident and is taken to hospital. He tested positive for "C19", wakes up on a vent, and escapes to save himself. Here is his story. It's horrific.

This medical data from the US DoD DMED database is explosive. Mainstream media has been ordered to ignore it.
Official Data shows Fully Vaccinated Children are 3.3 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than Unvaccinated Children and the UKHSA is trying to hide it
The latest data published by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) confirms fully vaccinated children are over 3 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than unvaccinated children, suggesting the Covid-19 injections are causing some form of Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease such as Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, and the UKHSA are trying to hide it.
Please listen to the following statement made by Dr Anthony Fauci in early 2020 on the elements of safety associated with developing a vaccine.
In it the Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the United States of America confirms that the only way to possibly know if a vaccine actually enhances disease rather than prevents it, is by performing an extended study in at risk people (something that was not done for the Covid-19 vaccines). He also confirms that this would not be the first time this happens if it does.
Mutant rising: German scientists plan to clone & then breed genetically-modified pigs this year to serve as heart donors for humans
German scientists plan to clone and then breed this year genetically modified pigs to serve as heart donors for humans, based on a simpler version of a US-engineered animal used last month in the world’s first pig-to-human transplant.
Eckhard Wolf, a scientist at Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) in Munich, said his team aimed to have the new species, modified from the Auckland Island breed, ready for transplant trials by 2025.
Pentagon Responds To DoD Whistleblowers' Claim Of Spiking Disease Rates In The Military After COVID Vaccine Mandate
Three United States military doctors have blown the whistle on documents allegedly from The United States Department of Defense (DoD) that they had access to, which show “skyrocketing rates of disease” since the introduction and mandating of the CCP virus vaccines in armed forces, human rights attorney Leigh Dundas told The Epoch Times.
Dundas was recently approached by Dr. Samuel Sigoloff, Special Forces flight surgeon Lt. Col. Peter Chambers, and Aerospace occupational medicine specialist Lt. Col. Theresa Long.
They handed documents to Dundas, who appeared recently with attorney Tom Renz in a five-hour hearing organized by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) titled “COVID-19: Second Opinion.”
Renz shared some of the numbers related to medical disorders in the U.S. military data with The Epoch Times.
The whistleblowers, who are represented by Renz, gave him the data “under penalty of perjury,” he said during the hearing.
Renz intends to submit the information to the courts, he told Johnson.
The DoD responded that the DMED (Defense Medical Epidemiology Database) data from 2016 to 2020 that the whistleblowers brought up was erroneous and incomplete, and is currently under review.
Russia sounds alarm over military drones in Ukraine
An agreement inked between Ankara and Kiev, which could soon see Turkish military drones being mass produced in Ukraine, has come under fire from one of Russia’s most senior politicians, who has argued that the plan risks greater confrontation when tensions are so high.
Speaking to RIA Novosti on Thursday, Andrey Klimov, who serves as the head of Russia’s Senate committee for protection of national sovereignty, poured scorn on the move, insisting that “the saturation of Ukraine with weapons is a provocation in itself and an element of incitement.”
Putin's "sustainability envoy" is a Bill Gates clone
Covid deaths in Israel have hit an all-time daily high. The mRNA vaccine experiment has failed. IT MUST END NOW.
Remember: Israel was the first country to mass vaccinate with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine.
It was the first country to use boosters.
The first to offer a fourth shot.
About 95 percent of adults over 50 are vaccinated. About 85 percent have received a booster.
This is the result.
"Israel: The vast majority of the deceased are vaccinated... They have seemingly gone through 'immune erosion'.

COVID in Europe: Austrian vaccination law comes into effect while Danes enjoy eased measures
DISTRESS OF NATIONS: Covid revolt intensifying in Canada, sending warning across the globe
The populace may disapprove of their un-Canadian-like antics, but there is a growing sense of support for the main message they’re delivering — COVID restrictions no longer make sense.
The protests have been the talk of the nation, around dinner tables, on talk shows and social media. And they serve as a warning shot not just to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau but to leaders everywhere: If even Canada is starting to resist pandemic measures, what does that mean for the rest of the world?
Chinese scientists just created an “AI Nanny” to look after babies in an artificial womb
Parents of the future rejoice! Scientists in China have developed an AI nanny that they say could one day take care of human fetuses in a lab. Researchers in Suzhou, China, claims to have created a system that can monitor and care for embryos as they grow into fetuses while growing inside an artificial womb, The South China Morning Post reports.
The robotic nanny is already reportedly caring for a number of animal embryos. Experimentation on human embryos, however, is still forbidden under international law, as the newspaper points out. The team published their findings in the Journal of Biomedical Engineering last month.
We Are All Ensnared in the Elite’s Web
Paul Craig Roberts
Yes, there is a conspiracy. It is a conspiracy of the elite against the rest of us. It has been in operation for years. You can learn much about it from Kees Van Der Pijl’s just published book by Clarity Press, States of Emergency.
The elites are a mere handful, but they control all the power. They control the print, TV, and social media, universities, think tanks, governments, finance, large scale production, bar associations, health care, most celebrities, and have their own organizations that comprise interlocking directorates such as Bilderberg, Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, the G30 group of former central bank presidents, World Economic Forum, the World Bank, the IMF. The same people comprise corporate boards and the top executive ranks of large corporations.
More great reporting. Thank you.